New Member saying Hello


New Member
Hello all happy to be here hope to educate myself. So I'm able to offer advice and direction to others one day. Here is a little about me thanks again. I servied in the Army for 4 years out of high school. That is when I first dipped my toes in anabolics. Tes E, Deca and winstrol. I also used clen and t3. I wish I knew what I know now before starting that adventure. I was listening to the advise of someone I thought knew how it all worked. There was no talk of PCT, and I did know then what to look up good old dialup days and stationed overseas. I had good results but had to work on things later in life to fix some uninformed choices. I'm curently on trt to keep levels normal and anti estro. I have been reading forums and researching this subject on and off for years. I'm here for education and advice. I want to give educated advice to those that are starting or thinking about starting the journey. I know spelling and grammar.
I just joined as well. Thank you for your post. I have never cycled so trying to absorb all the info I can. 40 years old this year and I am excited to start this journey. I am in healthcare and somewhat knowledgeable about gear but curious to get any and all thoughts on starting at 40 (what to run, how much, how long etc)
I just joined as well. Thank you for your post. I have never cycled so trying to absorb all the info I can. 40 years old this year and I am excited to start this journey. I am in healthcare and somewhat knowledgeable about gear but curious to get any and all thoughts on starting at 40 (what to run, how much, how long etc)
Hello thanks for the welcome.
Hello all happy to be here hope to educate myself. So I'm able to offer advice and direction to others one day. Here is a little about me thanks again. I servied in the Army for 4 years out of high school. That is when I first dipped my toes in anabolics. Tes E, Deca and winstrol. I also used clen and t3. I wish I knew what I know now before starting that adventure. I was listening to the advise of someone I thought knew how it all worked. There was no talk of PCT, and I did know then what to look up good old dialup days and stationed overseas. I had good results but had to work on things later in life to fix some uninformed choices. I'm curently on trt to keep levels normal and anti estro. I have been reading forums and researching this subject on and off for years. I'm here for education and advice. I want to give educated advice to those that are starting or thinking about starting the journey. I know spelling and grammar.
Welcome to the community! It sounds like you've had quite the journey with your experiences in the Army and your foray into anabolics. It's commendable that you're here to learn and share your knowledge to help others navigate this complex terrain more safely. Reflecting on past mistakes is key to growth, and it seems you've gained valuable insights along the way. Since you mentioned looking back with hindsight, could you share some specific mistakes you believe you made during your early experiences with performance enhancers? Sharing these insights could be incredibly beneficial for those who are just starting out. Cheers.
Welcome to the community! It sounds like you've had quite the journey with your experiences in the Army and your foray into anabolics. It's commendable that you're here to learn and share your knowledge to help others navigate this complex terrain more safely. Reflecting on past mistakes is key to growth, and it seems you've gained valuable insights along the way. Since you mentioned looking back with hindsight, could you share some specific mistakes you believe you made during your early experiences with performance enhancers? Sharing these insights could be incredibly beneficial for those who are just starting out. Cheers.
Sorry for the delay been busy. I would say my first mistake would have been not fully understanding what I was getting into and how it would act on my body. Being young and before the internet was in full swing information was word of mouth. This information was coming form peers just as ingornat on the subject as I was, but we thought we knew it all. There was no talk of PCT or the importances of blockers/support to fight off unwanted side effects. I know now that I set myself back by shutting down my narural hormone production. Killing the gains and making it harder on my self over the years. Is what I get for looking for the easy way and not putting in the work required first. This caused me to injure my self, by outpacing muscle, tendons, and ligaments. Now that the years have gone by and I have researhed the knowledge and have a realistic view on what I want to do it's been good. I just try to help the younger/uninformed people make educated decisions and not just take someones word as the gospel. I would suggest to anyone think about your goals you want. Will performance enhancers help you reach them have you reached you narural potential first ie.. getting you diet right, getting in shape so you do not hurt yourself by out gaining what you can handle.
The point in life that I'm in now I do a cycle every 1-2 years to rebuild and augment quality my of life. I am in no way a pro or even pertend I know a ton on the subject. I just know my story and what has worked for me and what didn't.
Sorry for the delay been busy. I would say my first mistake would have been not fully understanding what I was getting into and how it would act on my body. Being young and before the internet was in full swing information was word of mouth. This information was coming form peers just as ingornat on the subject as I was, but we thought we knew it all. There was no talk of PCT or the importances of blockers/support to fight off unwanted side effects. I know now that I set myself back by shutting down my narural hormone production. Killing the gains and making it harder on my self over the years. Is what I get for looking for the easy way and not putting in the work required first. This caused me to injure my self, by outpacing muscle, tendons, and ligaments. Now that the years have gone by and I have researhed the knowledge and have a realistic view on what I want to do it's been good. I just try to help the younger/uninformed people make educated decisions and not just take someones word as the gospel. I would suggest to anyone think about your goals you want. Will performance enhancers help you reach them have you reached you narural potential first ie.. getting you diet right, getting in shape so you do not hurt yourself by out gaining what you can handle.
The point in life that I'm in now I do a cycle every 1-2 years to rebuild and augment quality my of life. I am in no way a pro or even pertend I know a ton on the subject. I just know my story and what has worked for me and what didn't.
Thanks for sharing your experience. It's always good to hear from someone who's been through it all and learned along the way.

A few questions: You mentioned not knowing about PCT back in the day. What’s your go-to post cycle therapy regimen now?

Also, how does using gear hurt tendons and ligaments? How did you hurt your tendons and ligaments, and what could you have done better to avoid unnecessary damage?
Welcome. I started Trt about a year ago. I had never tried anything previously. Just age and genetics I think cause my test to drop. I'm still learning, first thing I learned was that the clinics are all about money. So much so that it wasn't going to be sustainable for me. I slowly found my way to forums and began to learn. Cheers