New Member


New Member
I just want to take a moment to introduce myself. I'm new to this forum but I've been bodybuilding for about 10 years, the first 6 or so I was natural. I run cycles a couple times a year but i cruise Test year round. I'm in my mid 30's and just can't stand the idea of being some regular average dude. I started AAS and hgh after a serious injury to my shoulder and pec. I lost every bit of my muscle that atrophied because of the nerve damage from the injury that caused my arm to basically be paralyzed for about a year. I went from about 220 pounds benching 365 and repping shit like 225 on shoulder presses to not even able to push a 45 pound bar off my chest. I bounced back quite a bit but ultimately made a decision to use gear. And it helped, I am stronger now then I was before the injury. I still want to learn a d grow. I'm here for knowledge that I can pick up and share. I believe in harm reduction as well and that's what that this is all about. I use sources from this forum already and swear by them. Im here too to be a part of my sources ' threads. Thanks for having me.