
New Member
Hello, I’m here to learn more and seek advice. I’m 30, played sports growing up, lifted a lot on and off over the years, got into the subject of AAS through a dude I work with who has been taking roughly 2000mg test e weekly for a year. He plans on stopping for 2 months cuz a guy he knows told him you need to take tolerance breaks. Been lurking on r/steroids for the last few months and have given him the advice to get some nolvadex and described to him what I’ve learned about pct. Not sure what else to tell him but I’ve learned a little and have decided to do my first cycle. Waiting for my stuff in the mail and plan on doing 500 test e 16-20 weeks. I’ve also thought about starting low and ramping up if no sides. Guys like Derek from mpmd talk about that. I’ll probably just start with the 500 tho since from what I’ve read seems to be a good starting point. I plan on doing blood work before starting. Thanks for reading.
First cycle advice - don't go super crazy dumping stuff into your body until you know how you react.

I started with Test-E125mg E3.5D for 8 weeks and then 250mg E3.5D for 8 weeks and nothing else. In my case, 125mg was enough to get used to the feeling and I noticed significant growth and gains by week 8. Up from 180lb to 205lb with a surplus carb but very clean diet. The final 8 weeks saw me go all the way up to 225lb.

I experienced only one side effect when I increased from the 125mg to 250mg which was very quickly sorted by taking one dose of .25mg of Anastrozole and honestly, that was just for comfort of my slightly sensitive nipples. I probably could've adjusted naturally after a week or two. After that - I noticed zero side effects and almost no "comedown" when the cycle ended. 2 weeks clean to allow the hormones to leave my system and then Enclomiphene Citrate @ 6.25mg EOD for a few weeks until my bloodwork came close to baseline (pre Cycle) then nothing for the remainder of 16 weeks off cycle to pair with 16 weeks on cycle. I currently sit at 208 off everything - my strength clearly depleted somewhat but not significant and the "fullness" of my muscles has gone done a little but I am still wayyyyy larger and stronger than I was prior to anything. Pumped up after a workout I look almost the exact same on cycle minus the full body vascularity (delt veins, oblique veins etc.) Also I understand that some of this is definitely because of beginner gains.

All of this is to say that everyone's body reacts different to exogenous supplements so it would be worthwhile to see how sensitive you are and go from there. Bloodwork is definitely recommended and is a highly useful tool....but I definitely know of people who just go based off of feels and have success.

I'm going to be cycling Test-E 250mg E3.5D for 16 weeks again here myself and the only addition I'll be adding is hCG to maintain my HPTA more safely, even though I wasn't very suppressed on my previous cycle I'd still rather be safe than sorry. I anticipate some suppression this cycle as I'm also adding Dianabolos this time around to see how I respond to that. It's all trial and error and while you can be guided by others and their experiences you can only learn about your cycles from yourself.

Also another note - it is worthwhile to take OCT supplements for a variety of support during cycle and even post cycle - organs are important make sure you keep them safe. I typically take liver, heart, and kidney support through a variety of supplements - things to help with sleep which will be affected - some people toss in a hair supplement. That's all up to you though and is way easier to find peoples routines through searching.

Best of Luck Bro!
this guys test lvls after a 2 yr permablast sounds like he is shut down maybe lol he might wanna get blood work to be honest thats insane. also i agree witht dude above me 500 mg of test to start WITH NO usage of test at all even trt levels IS high. Id start 200-300 you might be a great responder and at that dosage it could shoot you through the rooff.
this guys test lvls after a 2 yr permablast sounds like he is shut down maybe lol he might wanna get blood work to be honest thats insane. also i agree witht dude above me 500 mg of test to start WITH NO usage of test at all even trt levels IS high. Id start 200-300 you might be a great responder and at that dosage it could shoot you through the rooff.
He is absolutely fried after 2 years lmao
First cycle advice - don't go super crazy dumping stuff into your body until you know how you react.

I started with Test-E125mg E3.5D for 8 weeks and then 250mg E3.5D for 8 weeks and nothing else. In my case, 125mg was enough to get used to the feeling and I noticed significant growth and gains by week 8. Up from 180lb to 205lb with a surplus carb but very clean diet. The final 8 weeks saw me go all the way up to 225lb.

I experienced only one side effect when I increased from the 125mg to 250mg which was very quickly sorted by taking one dose of .25mg of Anastrozole and honestly, that was just for comfort of my slightly sensitive nipples. I probably could've adjusted naturally after a week or two. After that - I noticed zero side effects and almost no "comedown" when the cycle ended. 2 weeks clean to allow the hormones to leave my system and then Enclomiphene Citrate @ 6.25mg EOD for a few weeks until my bloodwork came close to baseline (pre Cycle) then nothing for the remainder of 16 weeks off cycle to pair with 16 weeks on cycle. I currently sit at 208 off everything - my strength clearly depleted somewhat but not significant and the "fullness" of my muscles has gone done a little but I am still wayyyyy larger and stronger than I was prior to anything. Pumped up after a workout I look almost the exact same on cycle minus the full body vascularity (delt veins, oblique veins etc.) Also I understand that some of this is definitely because of beginner gains.

All of this is to say that everyone's body reacts different to exogenous supplements so it would be worthwhile to see how sensitive you are and go from there. Bloodwork is definitely recommended and is a highly useful tool....but I definitely know of people who just go based off of feels and have success.

I'm going to be cycling Test-E 250mg E3.5D for 16 weeks again here myself and the only addition I'll be adding is hCG to maintain my HPTA more safely, even though I wasn't very suppressed on my previous cycle I'd still rather be safe than sorry. I anticipate some suppression this cycle as I'm also adding Dianabolos this time around to see how I respond to that. It's all trial and error and while you can be guided by others and their experiences you can only learn about your cycles from yourself.

Also another note - it is worthwhile to take OCT supplements for a variety of support during cycle and even post cycle - organs are important make sure you keep them safe. I typically take liver, heart, and kidney support through a variety of supplements - things to help with sleep which will be affected - some people toss in a hair supplement. That's all up to you though and is way easier to find peoples routines through searching.

Best of Luck Bro!
Thanks for the thoughtful reply bro!
First cycle advice - don't go super crazy dumping stuff into your body until you know how you react.

I started with Test-E125mg E3.5D for 8 weeks and then 250mg E3.5D for 8 weeks and nothing else. In my case, 125mg was enough to get used to the feeling and I noticed significant growth and gains by week 8. Up from 180lb to 205lb with a surplus carb but very clean diet. The final 8 weeks saw me go all the way up to 225lb.

I experienced only one side effect when I increased from the 125mg to 250mg which was very quickly sorted by taking one dose of .25mg of Anastrozole and honestly, that was just for comfort of my slightly sensitive nipples. I probably could've adjusted naturally after a week or two. After that - I noticed zero side effects and almost no "comedown" when the cycle ended. 2 weeks clean to allow the hormones to leave my system and then Enclomiphene Citrate @ 6.25mg EOD for a few weeks until my bloodwork came close to baseline (pre Cycle) then nothing for the remainder of 16 weeks off cycle to pair with 16 weeks on cycle. I currently sit at 208 off everything - my strength clearly depleted somewhat but not significant and the "fullness" of my muscles has gone done a little but I am still wayyyyy larger and stronger than I was prior to anything. Pumped up after a workout I look almost the exact same on cycle minus the full body vascularity (delt veins, oblique veins etc.) Also I understand that some of this is definitely because of beginner gains.

All of this is to say that everyone's body reacts different to exogenous supplements so it would be worthwhile to see how sensitive you are and go from there. Bloodwork is definitely recommended and is a highly useful tool....but I definitely know of people who just go based off of feels and have success.

I'm going to be cycling Test-E 250mg E3.5D for 16 weeks again here myself and the only addition I'll be adding is hCG to maintain my HPTA more safely, even though I wasn't very suppressed on my previous cycle I'd still rather be safe than sorry. I anticipate some suppression this cycle as I'm also adding Dianabolos this time around to see how I respond to that. It's all trial and error and while you can be guided by others and their experiences you can only learn about your cycles from yourself.

Also another note - it is worthwhile to take OCT supplements for a variety of support during cycle and even post cycle - organs are important make sure you keep them safe. I typically take liver, heart, and kidney support through a variety of supplements - things to help with sleep which will be affected - some people toss in a hair supplement. That's all up to you though and is way easier to find peoples routines through searching.

Best of Luck Bro!
Love the name btw