New member


New Member
Hey everyone. I’m new on here and fairly new to the anabolic world. I have been around them most of my life (seeing the results of using them) but just recently started my first cycle. I have been lifting on and off since a teenager and have been at it for the past 5 years consecutively and hit a point where I felt like I was wasting my time cause I wasn’t getting results. Please excuse me if I ask a dumb question here and there as I am new. I will do my best to search for the answer first before posting. Thank you for allowing me to be part of this lifestyle.
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Hey everyone. I’m new on here and fairly new to the anabolic world. I have been around them most of my life but just recently started my first cycle. I have been lifting for the past 5 years consecutively and hit a point where I felt like I was wasting my time cause I wasn’t getting results. Please excuse me if I ask a dumb question here and there as I am new. I will do my best to search for the answer first before posting. Thank you for allowing me to be part of this lifestyle.
Welcome to MESO!

Your parent(s)/legal guardian dealt gear?

Or you are really old and been around a bunch of gear users for a long time?
Way to squeeze out all you can without exogenous hormones.
Yeah the past couple years have been very discouraging to say the least which is why I made the jump. Been running 300mg test c (150mg mon and thur) for the past 5 weeks and it’s been life changing to say the least. Planning on going 20 weeks then cruising for 2 months while I plan my next cycle. Test was at 1409 on week 3 and e2 was 69 but I’ve had no symptoms so I haven’t used an ai. I have aromasin in case that changes. I’m 35 now so I figured if I’m gonna do now is the time.