New places to inject?


New Member
Hi all,

Curious as to different spots to inject and where peoples preference is? I'm currently doing what i would consider shallow IM in shoulders (3 heads) and what could be shallow IM or Sub Q in my but cheeks. I'm pinning roughly 1.2ml a day between Test/Mast/Primo using 27g 5/8 and sometimes 30g 5/8. If they are BD the oil sems to go through easy, if they are crap amazon ones it takes quite a lot of pressure bending the plunger pressure. I've tried lats can't reach properly. i don't like quads have heard horror stories but maybe shallow IM be ok there? I was thinking of trying chest and bis to change it up using the 30g but haven't yet to scared also don't know where to do it. lol Anyway let me know what you guys do. oh I'm also back loading.
I pin 2 ml a day in my lats, just alternate which one every day. Never done quads. Only ever VG, delts, traps and lats

Oh I didn’t realize you said you can’t reach lats. Try ventroglute easy and painless
Hi all,

Curious as to different spots to inject and where peoples preference is? I'm currently doing what i would consider shallow IM in shoulders (3 heads) and what could be shallow IM or Sub Q in my but cheeks. I'm pinning roughly 1.2ml a day between Test/Mast/Primo using 27g 5/8 and sometimes 30g 5/8. If they are BD the oil sems to go through easy, if they are crap amazon ones it takes quite a lot of pressure bending the plunger pressure. I've tried lats can't reach properly. i don't like quads have heard horror stories but maybe shallow IM be ok there? I was thinking of trying chest and bis to change it up using the 30g but haven't yet to scared also don't know where to do it. lol Anyway let me know what you guys do. oh I'm also back loading.
Dude, lats are so easy. 27g with 1/2 inch needle. The below video has a weird angle but it’s because he’s showing how to lean on your bathroom counter in front of a mirror and hit your lats. And the lats are so long you can inject them in 2-3 spots to prevent pinning the same spot all the time.

Also, traps are easy. A little pain for the first few times. But that passes after the first few injections.

And VG is easy also.

Dude, lats are so easy. 27g with 1/2 inch needle. The below video has a weird angle but it’s because he’s showing how to lean on your bathroom counter in front of a mirror and hit your lats. And the lats are so long you can inject them in 2-3 spots to prevent pinning the same spot all the time.

Also, traps are easy. A little pain for the first few times. But that passes after the first few injections.

And VG is easy also.

I'm gonna have to try that technique. I've done lats twice but they are hard AF to reach. Good spot tho if I can make it work.
Dude, lats are so easy. 27g with 1/2 inch needle. The below video has a weird angle but it’s because he’s showing how to lean on your bathroom counter in front of a mirror and hit your lats. And the lats are so long you can inject them in 2-3 spots to prevent pinning the same spot all the time.

Also, traps are easy. A little pain for the first few times. But that passes after the first few injections.

And VG is easy also.

How's the pip?
Dude, lats are so easy. 27g with 1/2 inch needle. The below video has a weird angle but it’s because he’s showing how to lean on your bathroom counter in front of a mirror and hit your lats. And the lats are so long you can inject them in 2-3 spots to prevent pinning the same spot all the time.

Also, traps are easy. A little pain for the first few times. But that passes after the first few injections.

And VG is easy also.

I'll give it a go thanks
I never touch upper body ever, I pin every single day and rotate glutes, ventro glutes, and quads, no issue at all , to scared to hit upper body but have no issue jabbing quads without a care about hitting nerves aha
Had my fibers twitching once or twice lol
First time I pinned quads didn’t know any better and pinned with the standar 1’? 1’5?? Inch 21g :eek:
None so far. I’ve injected Test C, Mast 200, Primo 200, and Primo 150 GSO. I’ve been hitting the lats for 3 weeks now and compared to quads, delts, VG and Traps, Lats are the easiest and most Pip free muscle to hit.

I doubt I’ll be injecting TNE there though. That stuff gives me mad Pip and VG works the best.
Ever hit a nerves or something?
Dude, lats are so easy. 27g with 1/2 inch needle. The below video has a weird angle but it’s because he’s showing how to lean on your bathroom counter in front of a mirror and hit your lats. And the lats are so long you can inject them in 2-3 spots to prevent pinning the same spot all the time.

Also, traps are easy. A little pain for the first few times. But that passes after the first few injections.

And VG is easy also.

Curious if there are tutorials like that for the back of the shoulder or has anyone tried?
Dude, lats are so easy. 27g with 1/2 inch needle. The below video has a weird angle but it’s because he’s showing how to lean on your bathroom counter in front of a mirror and hit your lats. And the lats are so long you can inject them in 2-3 spots to prevent pinning the same spot all the time.

Also, traps are easy. A little pain for the first few times. But that passes after the first few injections.

And VG is easy also.

Gotta work on my flexibility lol but the lat pin went well last night thanks
Any muscle will work. I haven't tried bis or calves but my rotation is bilateral front delts, inner chest, long head tris, outer chest, ventroglutes, middle delts, dorsoglutes, rear delts, upper quads, traps, lower quads, lats, repeat. I use 1/2" 27ga insulin syringes so I'm limited to 1cc at a time so the rotation helps to keep me from hitting the same spot repeatedly when I have 4 shots to take
Any muscle will work. I haven't tried bis or calves but my rotation is bilateral front delts, inner chest, long head tris, outer chest, ventroglutes, middle delts, dorsoglutes, rear delts, upper quads, traps, lower quads, lats, repeat. I use 1/2" 27ga insulin syringes so I'm limited to 1cc at a time so the rotation helps to keep me from hitting the same spot repeatedly when I have 4 shots to take
Brother you mad! Just slam 3cc in your glutes and be done with it xD