New Prohormones


I was just curious to know if anyone has any thoughts or experience with several of the new (Or New again) Prohormones out there. I do NOT mean full-blown AAS that were labeled as such and briefly sold until someone caught on, Like Superdrol.

Before I get into this thread, I understand that things like 1-Andro and 4-Andro can work, But the real dosages required to reach some kind of anabolic effect imply a huge cost. 19-Nor-Andro seems to look okay on paper (5%ish conversion to Nandrolone), But really doesn't seem to have the same effect.

I've had experience with 1-Andro, 4-Andro, 19-Nor-Andro, At Daily Dosages of 700+ MG each. Sometimes combined. I was less than impressed. 8 week cycles stuff was expensive and I was only able to keep about 5-10 pounds.

To a lesser extent, I have tried "Epiandro" and "6-oxo", However these were buried in proprietary blends and were probably ridiculously under dosed.

Some of the other compounds out there that I've noticed seem to be;
"5 DHEA" - 3b-Hydroxy-androst-5-ene-17-one
"6-oxo" - 6-oxo-^4-pregnene-3,20-dione
"EpiAndro" - 3b-hydroxy-5a-androstan-17-one
"17-Pro-Andro" - 17beta-[1-ketoethyl]-androsta-1,4-diene-3-one,17a-ol

So, Any ever done a Prohormone cycle that was worth it? What was your experience? What currently available prohormone is best in your opinion? Anything new and exciting coming out?
I have zero experience with pro hormones but honestly why bother? I’d rather spend my money on something tried and true that I know will help me achieve results. Not worth the money to fuck around with them and maybe get a little bigger when I know I can do a real cycle and actually grow for sure. I get full well experimenting is fun but if you’re looking for real world results than don’t bother with them imo
Yeah I have to agree, why bother with these compounds. why not just use actual nandrolone? Less side effects as well (most of the time)
Yeah I have to agree, why bother with these compounds. why not just use actual nandrolone? Less side effects as well (most of the time)

Hey, I'm with y'all on this one. No comparison to a real cycle. I'm just curious, That's all. Psuedo-pharma supplement companies keep developing this stuff, I know recently the FDA & DEA have taken new steps to ban it.

Occasionally something like Superdrol or DMZ comes out of all this. Most of the time it's crap, Sometimes it's alright. Personally, I think it's awesome that companies are atleast trying to push the envelope on human development. There's more research and new products being developed all the time.
Nothing on the market today is worth a shit, the days of walking I to local store and buying dmz, Superdrol or epistane and such along with your pre and post are over
Except sarms, they’re there. But that’s still like...spend $75 for 30 rad17272628286677$/&:)/&8172)$:&&8
or spend $30 on potentially 400 caps 25mg/cap dbol
The PHs you mention suck. DMZ and MSTEN are still available from a few sites, they blow the 5 you mention out of the water. 6-oxo is more of an AI with minimal anabolic properties if I'm not mistaken.
My experience with them is that they caused acne, wrecked my lipids and not much gains etc.

Nowadays most hrt clinics give u test and deca and you can do a real cycle/blast with much less sides and much better results

I’d still love to try superdrol though, just to see the hype
My experience with them is that they caused acne, wrecked my lipids and not much gains etc.

Nowadays most hrt clinics give u test and deca and you can do a real cycle/blast with much less sides and much better results

I’d still love to try superdrol though, just to see the hype

Bummer, Usually the worst side effect with PHs is a lighter wallet.

If I'm not mistaken, Superdrol isn't that impressive on paper, It's not better than anything we already had. I think all the hype was generated because it was briefly legal.

6-oxo is one of these newer PHs derived from pregnenolone, Instead of DHEA.

The PH being pushed as an AI is "Arimistane". Looks good on paper, But nobody's got anything good to say. The only bloodwork I've seen required the guy take like 8 - 75mg tablets or something insane. It worked ok, Again excessive.
The androsterones and epi androsterones are nice boosts for preworkout and libido. Otherwise, the whole supp market has very few ingredients that have any affect.

There really aren't any otc AIs anymore. Arimistane seems to have some affect on cortisol, but most bloodwork suggested no effect on estrogen. The days of easy access ATD, formestane, 6bromo, and trione are over.
Nothing on the market today is worth a shit, the days of walking I to local store and buying dmz, Superdrol or epistane and such along with your pre and post are over

You can still buy epistane, msten, alpha one, and a few others online, shipped to your door.
Creatine is a great steroid you can buy at any supplement site/store. But don’t take the recommended 5g per day, go all out and take 10g per day and watch yourself explode!!! May want to be careful tho because it’s real harmful on your liver.

Editor’s note - almost all above is complete gibberish... just like prohormones. Stick with test. Or if you just have to have an oral, get some anadrol to run along with your normal test dose.