New to Me so, so hello!


New Member
Wassup folks. Been around the iron block my whole life but very new to the internet side of things. So be patient with me as I figure it out. I'm a reader more than a talker so shouldn't have tooany useless posts from me.

Im 32, ex military, have done a few cycles on a cruise. Tren, dbol, test for a bulk and a cut of var, tren, proviron, test, and EC. Cruised for about 2 years with those blasts. Dabbled in pro hormones when I was wayy too young and had no clue what that shit even was and did some damage to my nads for sure. Live and learn but quickly educated myself of pct and natural recovery atleast.

Body stats was 6 foot 187lbs runners physique from military pre bulk, 215lbs about 14% bf on impedance which isn't very accurate so +/- 3% post then cruised for 3 months and was 203 @ 8% after cut, again impedance.

Have trained with IPFL guys for a while, Forrest Bush was my coach for a while when I was doing myofibrilar. Tore my pec so after recovery I stuck to sarcoplasmic for less strain on the compound movements. And have orbited that realm the last 5 years.

Got hit by a car 2 years ago which caused some serious brain trama and a compression fracture to my spine. That's what landed me in forums. Peptides caught my eye and the internet has untold education potential.

So here I am. Finally recovered enough to be back at the gym some. Been on trt the last year because the TBI screwed my bodies natural production of test and other endo functions as well. So I plan to dabble and push some fun into my regimen.

Ears are always open and love to learn more to better my self and blast through plateaus and health blockades. Thanks for reading!