New to Meso

Hi everybody,

I've been lurking for a bit now and decided to join up and introduce myself. I've been part of another forum for 10+ years under a different username.
I'm late 30s, 5'10" 205lbs and around 15-20% bf. I ran a few cycles in my mid 20s, nothing crazy...test only, test/deca, TNT
Closer to my 30s started with health issues unrelated to AAS, took a break from lifting and got my health under control. Started TRT years ago because of said health issues running @ 100mg/week. I've been back at it now for over 3 years and feeling great. Since starting again, I have only added Var to TRT, increased test for a 10 week run and my last I ran test/tren at a lower dose and ran it longer. I figured I should get back to the forums and see what's changed in the last 10 years. All I can say is - a lot!
Hoping to learn more from the vets once again and broaden my range by joining another forum.