

New Member
A friend from redit said I could get much more help and advice here than I ever could on that site. My life:

Hi I am a 50yo 100% disabled vet...

21 days ago I had surgery on my shoulder. All 3 ligaments torn. They cut the damage out of the bicep tendon and moved it. They fixed the 2 (I think) rotator cuff tendons. They repaired my rotater cuff, took out some bone fragments, and a bunch of arthritis.

Obviously recovery is a long way off. But what I need is something that's gonna help with energy and weight loss. While being able to do little exercise. I don't eat alot anyway and have gained 12 lbs since surgery....

When I got hurt in the Navy way back then help wasn't something they liked to offer. I also have cracked vertebrae in neck and lower back and about 2 months ago fell off a ladder and destroyed my wrist.

It's been a rough few months. The guy said something about glp 1 and /or tirz before starting back on hgh....
Sorry for the long intro....any help would truly be appreciated. Thanks

Only Bad Day Was Yesterday.....
Welcome to the board. Thank you for sharing and thank you for your service.

Sounds like an excellent plan for having the extra time and there is plenty of good information and support here.

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Best wishes