Newbie for Tirz and Seeking Wolverine Effect w/ BPC-157

New member here - looking to use BPC-157/TB-500 on an ancient posterior tibial tendon injury and see if they're of any help with some insanely painful Fibromyalgia trigger points.
Also had started on Wegovy this spring only for my employer's insurance to turn around and try gaslighting our staff that weight loss meds were never covered to begin with. I'd truly wanted to check out Tirz in the first place considering my yo-yo history and issues with sugar, so diving in and seeing if that'll help me jumpstart weight loss, and maybe move more easily. If anyone out there has fibromyalgia/or wicked trigger points and has found any success with something in particular, I'm all ears. I'd like to explore more options for strength/muscle gains eventually but feel like I need to get my weight under control/trigger points can be brutal during certain exercises. I already see a myofascial release therapist and take low dose naltrexone, which got me exploring compound pharmacy options for tirz ouside insurance, then to research options... and here I am.
Thanks all!
How is your employer's insurance gaslighting the staff on weight loss meds? Insurance companies either cover something, don't cover it, or cover it under certain circumstance. You would have to ask the actual insurance company.
How is your employer's insurance gaslighting the staff on weight loss meds? Insurance companies either cover something, don't cover it, or cover it under certain circumstance. You would have to ask the actual insurance company.

We've got PDFs from the 2023AY insurance coverage that show that weight loss medication was listed as covered, and I paid $25 a month for it for 4 months, and then they sent me a letter saying it never should have been covered (even though I got 3 different preauthorizations to even get covered.)
My colleague was on Wegovy for 6 months in 2021AY before coming off it, never had issues with it covered.
Two years of coverage, paying $25 a month, and now both the insurance company and employer say it was never covered.
I would call that gaslighting. What would you?
Has pregabalin been an option for you?

I wish it had helped!
Lyrica unfortunately made me feel super exhausted/sleepy, and I couldn't stay on it long. I didn't feel like it helped with the trigger points any more than the myofascial release I was already undergoing, so it didn't feel worth staying on. I don't experience the crazy fatigue that alot of people with fibro have, so pregabalin definitely made me feel worse than I do normally.

I actually have never met anyone with fibro that said pregabalin actually stopped their trigger points in their tracks which is what drove me to LDN.

The closest I've gotten to relief has been through trigger point injections via my pain management doctor, who is a rare bird willing to do injections for fibro that aren't just around the spine. Been doing MFR for like 3 years and even focusing on referred pain, I think the fact that my feet are flat and the old ankle injury are absolutely not helping.
I wish it had helped!
Lyrica unfortunately made me feel super exhausted/sleepy, and I couldn't stay on it long. I didn't feel like it helped with the trigger points any more than the myofascial release I was already undergoing, so it didn't feel worth staying on. I don't experience the crazy fatigue that alot of people with fibro have, so pregabalin definitely made me feel worse than I do normally.

I actually have never met anyone with fibro that said pregabalin actually stopped their trigger points in their tracks which is what drove me to LDN.

The closest I've gotten to relief has been through trigger point injections via my pain management doctor, who is a rare bird willing to do injections for fibro that aren't just around the spine. Been doing MFR for like 3 years and even focusing on referred pain, I think the fact that my feet are flat and the old ankle injury are absolutely not helping.
Unfortunate man it's done wonder for myself. Keep updated on how you come along with it. Best wishes


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