Newbies and Nipples

JC Grifter

Well-known Member
Year after year we see numerous posts about first time users experiencing gyno as early as the 2nd or 3rd week. Let this serve as a public announcement that if your nipples are feeling sensitive to the touch, are slightly puffy, and have a slight pain to them when you touch them, I’m going to give you the secret only the pros know to end your gyno symptoms in one day. Ready?….


This is literally the reason you’re feeling the sensations you’re feeling in your nipples. Stop grouping yourself and treating your nipples like an amusement park and watch the early signs of gyno vanish.
But who else’s nipples and forming breast tissue am I going to get to play with? You’re putting me in a very awkward position, sir. The test makes me tingle in funny places and I have to rub it.
Year after year we see numerous posts about first time users experiencing gyno as early as the 2nd or 3rd week. Let this serve as a public announcement that if your nipples are feeling sensitive to the touch, are slightly puffy, and have a slight pain to them when you touch them, I’m going to give you the secret only the pros know to end your gyno symptoms in one day. Ready?….


This is literally the reason you’re feeling the sensations you’re feeling in your nipples. Stop grouping yourself and treating your nipples like an amusement park and watch the early signs of gyno vanish.
As a novice, I understand the meaning behind this true, joking (but not so much) statement of yours.

I'm talking to you from the point of view of a person who is undergoing his first cycle.

Even before starting, the biggest worry was not whether the dose of weekly text was right, the correct PCT (to tell the truth, when you hear the name of a cycle for the first time, who ever knew what a PCT was?) or whether a AI was taken at the correct dose, but it was if the appearance of our nipples could get worse.

All this because it comes from a false culture of AAS, or rather, more than false I would say from the overdoses of discussions on AAS: Small balls, gynecomastia, hair etc. All clichés that immediately make one think of the negative effects of AAS.

When a period starts, the first concern and hope is that gynecomastia will not occur. If you start studying before carrying out a cycle then you understand that the E2 test tells you whether gynecomastia is occurring or not and whether by touching them ONLY once gynecomastia is occurring or not.

Let's say that this fear is justified if you are just starting out and haven't read at least the basics, but even here if you haven't read and studied in depth you shouldn't even have started a cycle.
Good thread yet even the best ones go off the rails in hilariously strange ways lol.
Year after year we see numerous posts about first time users experiencing gyno as early as the 2nd or 3rd week. Let this serve as a public announcement that if your nipples are feeling sensitive to the touch, are slightly puffy, and have a slight pain to them when you touch them, I’m going to give you the secret only the pros know to end your gyno symptoms in one day. Ready?….


This is literally the reason you’re feeling the sensations you’re feeling in your nipples. Stop grouping yourself and treating your nipples like an amusement park and watch the early signs of gyno vanish.
I will admit I was that poor newbie squeezing his nipples every 5 seconds on my 300mg of testosterone frantically googling gyno symptoms
I will admit I was that poor newbie squeezing his nipples every 5 seconds on my 300mg of testosterone frantically googling gyno symptoms
a lot of people have done the same over the years. While I was using humor and poking a little fun, I do hope newbies comes across this post and can ease their mind a little
This post is full of disappointment, the title drew me in with hopes of seeing nipples from the newbies. 3/10 lmao
Year after year we see numerous posts about first time users experiencing gyno as early as the 2nd or 3rd week. Let this serve as a public announcement that if your nipples are feeling sensitive to the touch, are slightly puffy, and have a slight pain to them when you touch them, I’m going to give you the secret only the pros know to end your gyno symptoms in one day. Ready?….


This is literally the reason you’re feeling the sensations you’re feeling in your nipples. Stop grouping yourself and treating your nipples like an amusement park and watch the early signs of gyno vanish.
Does it count if it’s someone else’s gyno nipples you playing with, squeezing and rubbing all day?
Does it count if it’s someone else’s gyno nipples you playing with, squeezing and rubbing all day?

This is what I’m trying to figure out. I know a great young lad and his poor, but ever growing nipples slightly fibrous looking nipples are taking the shape of bolognas and a bag of raw boldenon. His work is suffering, hes wearing skinny jeans now, annd days “SLAY GIRL SLAY” a lot. Most disturbingly my .youngest daughter keeps trying to breast feed from him when he comes around. He just says it’s from the bull and chest gains are important. .i can’t take it anymore.
Does it count if it’s someone else’s gyno nipples you playing with, squeezing and rubbing all day?
Excellent question let me dive in a little deeper and say is it alright to play with your wife/girlfriends sensitive nipples then?