Nolva and tren


New Member
So I have seen some places that you aren't supposed to take nolva while on Tren. Was just wondering what the members here think about that. If there is actually reasoning behind it or if it is just bro science. Tried to search this board but couldn't find anything.
Something about tamoxifen increasing sensitivity in progesterone receptors ... I read a good article on it awhile back that clarified it.... It does sensitize progest rec in certain tissues? And it may have been only in women or in tissue women have (ovaries/uterus). I know this doesn't help AT ALL but after reading it the issue was put to rest in my mind. I'm on nolva and tren right now lol, no tren gyno
I use prami/nolva/letro whenever I've had issues with tren gyno and the cocktail has treated me well.

I'm of the opinion that prolactin-induced tren gyno is likely bro science but I a bottle laying around that I purchased a while back so I throw it in anyway...