nolva/ clomid sides


New Member
Hey guys finished my cycle. It was 8 weeks sustanon 500mg. Then 750mg for 3 weeks then test prop 200mg EOD. I ran hcg during cycle. Now I'm on a 4 week pct Of clomid 100/75/50/50 and nolvadex 40/30/20/20. I'm currently on my 8th day and my face and shoulders are breaking out bad. Also I think my balls are a little small. Are these sides normal for what I'm taking? This acne is gross. Its not cysts but little fucking white heads.
Hey guys finished my cycle. It was 8 weeks sustanon 500mg. Then 750mg for 3 weeks then test prop 200mg EOD. I ran hcg during cycle. Now I'm on a 4 week pct Of clomid 100/75/50/50 and nolvadex 40/30/20/20. I'm currently on my 8th day and my face and shoulders are breaking out bad. Also I think my balls are a little small. Are these sides normal for what I'm taking? This acne is gross. Its not cysts but little fucking white heads.

I don't get much acne on cycle but I used to break out during PCT..
On cycle it happened for a week or Twp while the sustanon was building up. After it leveled out it was gone. I think that's what's happening now. My test levels are trying to balance themselves. But that could be bro science
Your body is trying to find homeostasis and is reacting accordingly. Often when hormones are unstable (and a rise in E2) acne develops but stabilizes when your hormones stop fluctuating. Is this your first cycle?
Went from 185 to 220. Obviously gained some fat but I was eating at 5000 calories a day. I've been of a week and feel less bloated. I'm down to 216
5K cals for a 185lb frame is absurd. Unless you run for a living youre likely 2k above your TDEE. Yeah you gained some fat all right...and a ton of water too i'll bet. You'll be dropping a lot more weight in the coming weeks/months.

Since you dont have any previous cycle to refer to, do you have any blood work that could perhaps shed some light here? If not, then stay the course and hope that your body finds homeostasis soon. You may very well be extremely sensitive to hormonal changes. Next time you could try ending your cycle with a short ester to transition you into recovery sooner and eliminate the dreaded wait for the ester(s) to clear.
I did. I went from sust to 6 weeks of prop 200mg EOD. So I'd say the test is leaving pretty fast from the prop. I had a post up before on when to start pct from prop and I believe you said 3 days was good, so that's when I did. I'm sure acne is par for the course. My next question is will blasting and cruising prevent this acne? I didn't get it on cycle. Only for 2 weeks while sust built up.
I did. I went from sust to 6 weeks of prop 200mg EOD. So I'd say the test is leaving pretty fast from the prop. I had a post up before on when to start pct from prop and I believe you said 3 days was good, so that's when I did. I'm sure acne is par for the course. My next question is will blasting and cruising prevent this acne? I didn't get it on cycle. Only for 2 weeks while sust built up.

You just finished your first cycle man, this is no time to consider blasting and cruising which is most likely to be a life long decision!! A few weeks (or less) of acne isn't going to kill you..
You just finished your first cycle man, this is no time to consider blasting and cruising which is most likely to be a life long decision!! A few weeks (or less) of acne isn't going to kill you..
I hear you. I'm not ready for that. Acne was rough in highschool and its seriously the only selfconcious thing about myself I hate. I can deal with being bald and having a hairy back but I hate acne. But I love gains more ;)
Fair enough. Like i suggested earlier, you may simply be one of those guys who are sensitive to hormonal changes and respond accordingly. Not unusual at all, but for many this is easily managed.
It's just acne; relax. When I was taking Nolva (Rx btw) I felt like someone was tapping on my eyeballs with a rubber mallet from the insides.
sorry this just made me laugh but on a serious note what other sides have you experienced from your cycle if you don't mind
Your body is trying to find homeostasis and is reacting accordingly. Often when hormones are unstable (and a rise in E2) acne develops but stabilizes when your hormones stop fluctuating.
This is what I"m going through as well during my PCT. Could this be mitigated by using an AI like Aromasin? Is this directly related to all the Estrogen that is being denied binding with a receptor? Would deactivating the excess estrogen help?
This is what I"m going through as well during my PCT. Could this be mitigated by using an AI like Aromasin? Is this directly related to all the Estrogen that is being denied binding with a receptor? Would deactivating the excess estrogen help?
OP here. It stopped after 2 weeks On my face. But I'm 6 weeks after pct and my back and shoulders are still pretty bad. I would run pct and then let it do its thing. The more you mess with your hor.ones, the longer you'll have sides. My pct is done and I have sex drive but I don't think I'm at baseline yet. Probably a couple more weeks at least. Everyone says time on + pct= time off. And that's making sense to me. Your body needs time to recover from what you did.
This is what I"m going through as well during my PCT. Could this be mitigated by using an AI like Aromasin? Is this directly related to all the Estrogen that is being denied binding with a receptor? Would deactivating the excess estrogen help?

All great questions, but the answers lie with blood work and experience. My comment was a response based on the information provided by the OP. If youre experiencing the same issues based on similar experience then yes, i believe that your body is attempting to settle in and find homeostasis and that the fluctuation of hormones is largely responsible for your acne. IMO, stabilizing your hormones post cycle is paramount to achieving a relatively side effect free experience.