Oil/solvent questions


New Member
Hey guys, new on here but already posted a intro. Last time I brewed it was fairly straightforward stuff (i.e. 2%/18% BA/BB in CSO or GSO for just about anything except EQ. Never really needed the oh so elusive "Mr T's super solvent" as it was kept so hush hush back then (I know this dates me) and high MG gear was not all too common back in the 90's. Most of the orals were done in PEG and everclear, and to my knowledge there was no Ora sure. I never messed with injectable suspensions; just never saw the need.

Fast forward to now and I finally got a source that has most all of what I'm looking for (not near as easy as it used to be!), but not quite everything. Anyways, since it is a new era for me, so to speak, I'm looking to learn as much as possible and hopefully not ask too many stooopid questions!

I currently have my vials, filters, raws on the way and solvents/oil. I have on hand your typical BA and BB and guaiacol and that is where my personal experience ends with what I have on hand. I also have EO, MCT and Mig 840, none of which I have used personally. I have heard about this guy being sensitive to EO, that guy not liking Mig, or MCT and having reactions to each one of them. Looking for your experiences and opinions as brewers/users.

Me personally? I'm the type to pin a cc of each into my quads and wait to see how they feel. After all, this shit is only going to be for me. And if Mig or MCT or EO is the answer for stable smooth mixes with minimal PIP at the dosages I'm looking to run while keeping the viscosity in range, then at least I'll know how my body "reacts" to them. Sound reasonable?

I know 300 mg/ml EQ is a second thought cause I've done it many times before, but I wanted to shoot for 450 mg/ml this time. As long as I tolerate the Mig or MCT, I still don't see any need to run anymore than 2/18 on the BA/BB for this concentration and the viscosity with either one of these oils should be at least on par, if not thinner, than my older 300 mg stuff in GSO, correct?

The other compound I want to brew is TP/NPP combo at 100mg/100mg per mil. Neither by themselves should be an issue, but together, I've never attempted something that "high" with the shorter esters. If I can get this to hold nicely/smoothly, then I'll probably use TPP next go around as it should be a little bit smoother, still. For that mix I was planning on the standard amounts with the addition of EO or guaiacol if needed. I have no aversion to guaiacol at all and feel it should be used whenever possible to achieve the concentrations needed. As I have virtually no sense of smell, the odor is a non factor for me!

Thanks in advance for any advice/feedback as I'm always willing to lay aside my own personal preconceived notions and learn something new. Look forward to conversing with you guys as I've seen there are some pretty sharp guys on here. Looking forward to getting back into this.
Still waiting on the powders to come in. Has anybody brewed something like the TP/NPP combo at the target dosages listed above? If so I would love any feedback or advice.

Otherwise, I guess I'll just let ya'll know how it goes when it comes time!
So, for me personally, I seem to have no adverse reactions/notable pain from any of the carriers I tested. Injected 1ml of Mig840, EO and MCT all at the same time.

What is the consensus/preference of everybody between EO and MIg? They both appear much thinner viscosity than the MCT, which was expected. Besides the fact that the EO is easier/cheaper to source, does one or the other excel in the solubility of the hormone?
Still waiting on the powders to come in. Has anybody brewed something like the TP/NPP combo at the target dosages listed above? If so I would love any feedback or advice.

Otherwise, I guess I'll just let ya'll know how it goes when it comes time!
Don’t have any advice on the TP/NPP mix, but post how it turns out and how the pip is I’m curious how it’ll turn out.
Don’t have any advice on the TP/NPP mix, but post how it turns out and how the pip is I’m curious how it’ll turn out.
Definitely will. 100mg/ml independently is no issue, been there, done that. That concentration of both in 1 ml might prove a little more challenging getting it to hold and smooth.
Definitely will. 100mg/ml independently is no issue, been there, done that. That concentration of both in 1 ml might prove a little more challenging getting it to hold and smooth.
Why not try something like 75mg/mL of each? I prefer higher concentration gear for the sake of pinning the least amount of oil, so I understand why you want to have the gear as high of a concentration as possible.

I'm no brew master though so I cannot really help with the rest of it. I'm interested to see how it turns out, eventually I want to start brewing my own blends
We'll see what holds once the powders arrive. I know I could always shoot more, but I was trying to cut down on the oil. And I will be using other compounds at the same time, as well.
Well, the verdict is in. Both TP/NPP at 100mg/ml each in an awesome solution. I actually got it to go into solution at 125 mg/ml (actually closer to 150) with no heat, but wanted to back it down for comfort. Combination of EO and Mig840 make a nice thin solution that shoots easy with minimal PIP. I did test it at 2ml and didn't get any PIP till later the next day; however, not totally unexpected with 400 mg of short ester gear in one depot. In addition, I have never had any prop that was totally pain free (I think this is just me, personally) and this is at least on par with PIP from only one ml of any prop I have ever used.