Old me New forum


New Member
Hi, i’ve been around a few forums in my past and have racked up a big thread that reviewed products people were curious about. I plan to do that here as well but way more mild. There is a lot of fake/bunk everything out there and to be honest the only way to know is the proper compound testing. Here to review sources (based off of harm reduction) to educate the majority of members who sit there with gear already bought and pondering its legitimacy. Found that Meso was a great place as this place is not censored like most of the forums I participated on. Thank you for reading and plan to come out with more useful information on being safe when navigating the dark side.
There is a lot of fake/bunk everything out there and to be honest the only way to know is the proper compound testing.
Please share any product lab testing reports that you've ordered. We have a subforum dedicated to this type of analytical testing - Steroid Lab Testing subforum -->

Please share any product lab testing reports that you've ordered. We have a subforum dedicated to this type of analytical testing - Steroid Lab Testing subforum -->

great thanks! this is exactly where I’ll be posting