Old school UGL prices?


My first vial of Test Cyp from my personal trainer was $60, and it set my body and personality on fire (GF: "why is your skin so hot?" Friend: "I've never seen you so....angry") so who knows wtf was even in that crap.

It cost me $60. Now of course we see $7 vials from UGLs here, that are probably of infinitely better quality.

So it got me curious, how much did UGL steroids cost back in the day? 5, 10 or more years ago. Anyone active back then that can chime in?
2006: 10ml vial Testo Propionat = 5 € :oops:
All other stuff like Trenbolone, Drostanolone etc. were identical prices like now.
2006: 10ml vial Testo Propionat = 5 € :oops:
All other stuff like Trenbolone, Drostanolone etc. were identical prices like now.
But adjusted for inflation…

Kidding, but that is pretty crazy. How did you know what you were getting was what you had intended to purchase?

Like how did you know mast wasn’t just test? Feels only?
But adjusted for inflation…

Kidding, but that is pretty crazy. How did you know what you were getting was what you had intended to purchase?

Like how did you know mast wasn’t just test? Feels only?
Yeah raws weren't cheap or plentiful back then, always under the impression roids were $$$ until fairly recently.
Right? One dude was telling me the other day the only way to get Tren A was to extract it from the finaplex pills
That's what they do in China

They mass synthesize finaplex pellets, package it. Then the unpackaged it. Unsynthesize it, turn it into oil. Filter it, and make it into injectables.

That's what they do in China

They mass synthesize finaplex pellets, package it. Then the unpackaged it. Unsynthesize it, turn it into oil. Filter it, and make it into injectables.

lol so that’s how Tracy has been sending me those raws..

Maybe if they cut out the packaging and repackaging- they can pay one less child $1 per hour so my Tren A can be even cheaper
Pre ORD prices were somewhat like today. For 2-3 years after they skyrocketed. After that back to today's levels.

Now peptides are somewhat pricey but they will come down in a couple of years specially glp1s
I was paying $5-7 per amp of organon or omnadren. Today Aspen is around $8-12.

Never ran UGL till I found Meso/Eroids. Guys at my gym were always saying it was underdosed and Pharma was the way to go. They’d charge $12-15 per amp until I found sites like texxgear, euroking and 24hreup who had it cheaper.
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My first vial of Test Cyp from my personal trainer was $60, and it set my body and personality on fire (GF: "why is your skin so hot?" Friend: "I've never seen you so....angry") so who knows wtf was even in that crap.

It cost me $60. Now of course we see $7 vials from UGLs here, that are probably of infinitely better quality.

So it got me curious, how much did UGL steroids cost back in the day? 5, 10 or more years ago. Anyone active back then that can chime in?
On the street my step dad bought stuff from his buddy and it was British dragon this was very early 2000s so British dragon was still good and original He charged 100$ a bottle and 100. 5 mg dbol pills the pink ones with the snake with the arrow through the head it was octagon shaped thst was 150$ for 100 of them and he got anadrol 50 that was another 150
On the street my step dad bought stuff from his buddy and it was British dragon this was very early 2000s so British dragon was still good and original He charged 100$ a bottle and 100. 5 mg dbol pills the pink ones with the snake with the arrow through the head it was octagon shaped thst was 150$ for 100 of them and he got anadrol 50 that was another 150

I've wondered if the original British Dragon is the current Dragon Pharma or just a play on the name.
I've wondered if the original British Dragon is the current Dragon Pharma or just a play on the name.
British Dragon died with Richard. The current Dragon Pharma has nothing to do with the original UGL. AFAIK only Alin is still alive from the original trio Richard, Mark and him
I've wondered if the original British Dragon is the current Dragon Pharma or just a play on the na

I've wondered if the original British Dragon is the current Dragon Pharma or just a play on the name.
Dragon pharma is different brand then British dragon. I don’t even thing the British dragon now Is the same as the old one they redid British dragon but I wouldn’t trust it or think it’s the same as the old. Stuff
British Dragon died with Richard. The current Dragon Pharma has nothing to do with the original UGL. AFAIK only Alin is still alive from the original trio Richard, Mark and him
If one of the owner of British dragon is still around is it the same as the old stuff
I used to pay about $40 - $50 a vial from my first IRL source. Still don’t know if he was brewing himself or making his own labels and flipping it. A lot of them had barcodes and official *looking* labels but I could never find the “companies” online.

He did have cool stuff like test cyp/ prop blends, injectable dbol, water based winstrol. I know those things aren’t rare now but at the time it was like a kid in a candy shop.
Alin was not one of the 2 original partners. Richard and Mark were the ones that started it and Alin came along as a distributor and then part owner
is the British dragon that’s selling now the same as it used to be back then British dragon was good but they redid the bottles and everything I never ordered from them since it was different but have u heard anything about what there products are like now

is the British dragon that’s selling now the same as it used to be back then British dragon was good but they redid the bottles and everything I never ordered from them since it was different but have u heard anything about what there products are like now
Don't know. I homebrew all my stuff