New Member
^^^pic of crashed TestC when it arrived
^^^^ pic of TestC after reheating on stove
Present cycle:
Strong Gear
TestE300 2x/week
Deca300 1x/week
I'm dropping MS test/deca and going to run Onepharma TestC only...
Onepharma Gear
!!!!!TestC only!!!!!
Onepharma mass spec came back to 180mg/ml, but we seen recent blood work that makes us believe it's closer to 150mg/ml...
My plans are:
-2 pins per week split on Monday/Thursday
-3ml each pin
So that should be 900mg a week if it's dosed at 150mg/ml....
Blood work will be done, but not sure how many weeks I should wait for the Strong Gear to get out of my system...any ideas??