Partially torn triceps tendon

Hello guys
I was recently diagnosed with partially torn triceps tendon,but the injury is 6-7 years old.
Tomorrow i'm seeing 5th surgeon this month. Previous appointments were unsuccessful regarding the treatmant. They dont want to operate,they suggested prp first without any promises it would work .
If surgery isn't na option,im planing on doing
Double spin PRP
3-4 iu Hgh
TB -500
Bpc -157
Low dose Anavar
Low dose Nandrolone
And i'm wondering has anyone tried ghk copper sub q close to the injury,would it help?
After 6+ years i would think whatever healing was going to happen has already occured. My experience with torn tendons is surgery is the only real option. If the tear is small enough then surgery may not be warranted. Peptides did nothing for my tears.
I actually advocated for the operation, precisely for this reason. It would be easier for me to deal with when I know that the tendon is attached. There have been several biceps ruptures in BB over the last few years, all of whom were told that the operated tendon was stronger than the unoperated one.
I was told that the rupture is at the grip of the tendon and bone of the elbow, about +25% in size with a high reduction in tension.
I actually advocated for the operation, precisely for this reason. It would be easier for me to deal with when I know that the tendon is attached. There have been several biceps ruptures in BB over the last few years, all of whom were told that the operated tendon was stronger than the unoperated one.
I was told that the rupture is at the grip of the tendon and bone of the elbow, about +25% in size with a high reduction in tension.
Have you gone to an Orthopedic sports medicine surgeon. I find Dr.s that deal with pro athletes are the best source of info for such treatment. I have torn 2 rotators muscles off the bone as well a ruptured biceps or 2. The first ortho i went to said nothing was torn as i was to strong from his manual testing and didn't even send me for an MRI . The next surgeon the head of the sports ortho dept at the state university sent me for one 1 minute after giving me the same manual tests.
I go in for my tricep surgery this Monday. Happened back in March, but you know how insurance companies give you the run around w getting MRIs. Finally got one confirmed my speculation that it is in fact torn.

Surgon went over the MRI with me today & told me that if I ever want it to be back to as close to normal again surgery is necessary. He showed me where it’s pretty much not attached. He said he does about 10 of these surgery’s a year & he sounded pretty confident about everything healing up good.

Did you end up getting the surgery? I’m a little nervous, but I believe what he said about it not getting better without operating on because I’ve not made any progress since the injury.

This was my MRI report from the radiologist.


No abnormal marrow edema is appreciated.

There is no evidence of fracture, healing fracture, or AVN.

There is a partial-thickness tear of the posterior component of the distal triceps tendon. This represents a partial-thickness tear of the combined tendon involving the lateral long heads. The more anterior medial head is uninvolved.Surrounding soft tissue edema is appreciated. Follow-up with orthopedics is advised.

The biceps is intact. The brachialis tendon is intact. The common flexor tendon is intact.

Mixed signal in the common extensor tendon is appreciated. This represents severe tendinopathy with some intrasubstance tearing. The collateral ligaments appear intact..


* Partial tear of the posterior compartment of the distal triceps tendon is confirmed.

Surrounding edema is noted.

* Common extensor tendinopathy with intrasubstance tearing. Follow-up with orthopedics is advised
I go in for my tricep surgery this Monday. Happened back in March, but you know how insurance companies give you the run around w getting MRIs. Finally got one confirmed my speculation that it is in fact torn.

Surgon went over the MRI with me today & told me that if I ever want it to be back to as close to normal again surgery is necessary. He showed me where it’s pretty much not attached. He said he does about 10 of these surgery’s a year & he sounded pretty confident about everything healing up good.

Did you end up getting the surgery? I’m a little nervous, but I believe what he said about it not getting better without operating on because I’ve not made any progress since the injury.

This was my MRI report from the radiologist.


No abnormal marrow edema is appreciated.

There is no evidence of fracture, healing fracture, or AVN.

There is a partial-thickness tear of the posterior component of the distal triceps tendon. This represents a partial-thickness tear of the combined tendon involving the lateral long heads. The more anterior medial head is uninvolved.Surrounding soft tissue edema is appreciated. Follow-up with orthopedics is advised.

The biceps is intact. The brachialis tendon is intact. The common flexor tendon is intact.

Mixed signal in the common extensor tendon is appreciated. This represents severe tendinopathy with some intrasubstance tearing. The collateral ligaments appear intact..


* Partial tear of the posterior compartment of the distal triceps tendon is confirmed.

Surrounding edema is noted.

* Common extensor tendinopathy with intrasubstance tearing. Follow-up with orthopedics is advised
I was examined by 5 sports orthopedists, only one of them offered the option of surgery. The others said that I should wait for a complete rupture, and then they would operate.
I was told that the carrying capacity of the tendon is 70%, and that I should try PRP and physical therapy, so I decided to go with that.
It's been 6 weeks, I don't see any progress in terms of symptoms. If there is no progress in the next 6 weeks, I will go for surgery.
My diagnosis is: partial rupture of the triceps tendon with extreme reduction in tendon tension.


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Damn man. Well looks like we’re going through pretty much the same thing. I know since I’ve injured mine, it’s not gotten any better in terms of strength so I don’t see how waiting any longer is going to change that. He said 4-6 weeks I’ll be able too start begin light strengthening again so I figure might as well. Maybe mine is a little worse than yours since he didn’t even want to go any other route?

Either way I’m happy I have good insurance after seeing the 28,500 quote for the surgery & my portion is $0! Good luck to you on your recovery & I’ll report back after Monday on how I’m doing post operation.
Damn man. Well looks like we’re going through pretty much the same thing. I know since I’ve injured mine, it’s not gotten any better in terms of strength so I don’t see how waiting any longer is going to change that. He said 4-6 weeks I’ll be able too start begin light strengthening again so I figure might as well. Maybe mine is a little worse than yours since he didn’t even want to go any other route?

Either way I’m happy I have good insurance after seeing the 28,500 quote for the surgery & my portion is $0! Good luck to you on your recovery & I’ll report back after Monday on how I’m doing post operation.
In my case, there is no weakness in my hand, that's why I'm struggling to find an orthopedist who would like to operate on me. Although you can feel the loss of tension in the tendon to the touch.
For 3-4 years I can't bench or directly train triceps.
Good luck with the surgery.
I would like to hear the after impressions and how the recovery is going.
Damn man. Well looks like we’re going through pretty much the same thing. I know since I’ve injured mine, it’s not gotten any better in terms of strength so I don’t see how waiting any longer is going to change that. He said 4-6 weeks I’ll be able too start begin light strengthening again so I figure might as well. Maybe mine is a little worse than yours since he didn’t even want to go any other route?

Either way I’m happy I have good insurance after seeing the 28,500 quote for the surgery & my portion is $0! Good luck to you on your recovery & I’ll report back after Monday on how I’m doing post operation.
How was the surgery? Hope everything went well.
Surgery went good. Today marks two weeks since got it re attached.

So far I’d say I’m doing pretty good. They gave me oral toradol and tramadol for the pain which was dosed at 4 each per day & was supposed to only last me 5 day. The only time after the first few days I’ve needed anything is at bed time. Otherwise I don’t take that stuff nor want to.

They had me wrapped up in and arm in a sling, and said no more than 1 lb lifting till my first post visit (tomorrow), buthave been doing more than that. I went to the gym twice so far to do some cardio and trained legs, but I have been staying somewhat active for my mental health doing walks w the dog and such. I can’t sit around and do nothing. I did for about 5 days but then i decided I can’t do this for 6 weeks.

I can’t fully straighten my arm out or bring my arm much past 90 degrees right now. I still have minimal dealing around the cut, but much better than post op I was needing to elevate and ice a lot to make my hand not look like a club lol.

I think he’s going to have me doing PT after our visit tomorrow, but I’m going to see if I can’t get away w just doing the recommendations they give me for exercises to do at the gym and home myself.

I’ll report back after I see what he says.
This is the report they left about how the surgery went.


Operative Technique: Patient was seen in the preoperative holding suite informed consent reviewed. Patient was then taken from the preoperative holding area to the operative suite and transferred from the gurney to the table. All bony prominences were padded. General anesthesia was administered. Patient was then transferred from supine the lateral position with the affected upper extremity draped over an arm holder. Preoperative antibiotics were administered. Sterile standard prep and drape were then performed. Operative time-out was performed identifying patient and correct left upper extremity. Esmarch used to exsanguinate the arm and the Tourniquet inflated 250 mm Hg. An 8 cm curvilinear incision coursing lateral to the tip of the olecranon was performed with a 10 blade. Retractors were placed. Triceps tendon was completely avulsed, all 3 heads, from the olecranon process with retraction. We utilized a Cobb elevator to develop planes both superficial and deep to all 3 heads and allow for better excursion of the tendon. The tendon ends were freshened with a 15 blade as well as rongeur. Allis clamp was placed on the tendon heads and adequate excursion confirmed. We then began preparation for a triceps repair. We used a rongeur to debride the stump and freshen the bone for adequate healing surface on the olecranon process. Following this, we then placed 2 475 double loaded SwiveLock Arthrex anchors with preloaded tape as well with excellent purchase in the olecranon process and no penetration of the intra-articular area. These FiberWire sutures were then passed sequentially in a horizontal mattress fashion in both the medial head as well as the long and lateral heads of the tendon. The fiber tapes were also passed in horizontal mattress fashion just proximal to previous past fiber wires. The arm was brought into near full extension for repair. We then sequentially tied all 4 knots for the horizontal mattress repair with the FiberWire sutures noting excellent compression at the anatomic insertion site of the triceps on the olecranon process. We cut 2 of these sets of sutures and left the other 2 for our speed bridge construct. We then drilled and tapped 2 more pilot holes for lateral row of our speed bridge construct. We then incorporated our FiberTape as well as the remaining 4 strands of suture in a speed bridge construct, noting excellent tension and compression of the repair at its anatomic insertion site and dunked these into 2 475 swivel lock anchors and our lateral row along the ulnar shaft, approximately 3 to 4 cm distal to the initial set of anchors placed. Our construct was then complete. We had excellent restoration of the triceps insertion site and excellent compression with our speed bridge construct. Flexed and extended the elbow from 0-100 with no undue tension and no undue stress on the repair. Content with our construct, we then turned our attention to closure. Copious irrigation was then carried out. Deep fascia was closed with 2 O Vicryl as well as deep dermal layer closed with 2 O Vicryl. This was followed by Monocryl for 0 subcuticular layer runner. Dermabond and Steri-Strips were then placed. Soft dressing and Ace bandage were then placed as well. Patient is then placed in a sling. All sponge and needle counts were correct at the end the procedure. Patient 1 or go passive range of motion from 0-110 as tolerated. We will begin physical therapy after his 1st postoperative visit.

The physician's assistant was 1st assistant during this case, was present for the entirety of the case and assisted with all critical portions of the case. Prior to the procedure he was involved with room setup, patient positioning, prepping and draping. Intraoperatively he assisted with retraction and manipulation of the extremity, tendon reduction, reaming, anchor placement. Post-procedure he assisted with subcutaneous wound closure. He directly performed skin closure and dressing application. He also was involved with transferring the patient from the OR bed to the hospital bed.

Complications: None

Additions (Drains, Specimens, Implants):
Implant Name
Inv. Item
Serial No.
Lot No.
No. Used



Estimated Blood Loss: * No values recorded between 5/6/2024 12:03 PM and 5/6/2024 1:03 PM *

Total IV Fluids:
Intravenous fluids were administered See Anesthesia Record

Tourniquet Time: See OR Record

Condition: good

Findings: As dictated