pct advice


New Member
hi guy first of all i would say that i am new to this world and i am also french so my english is not the best.

i currently doing my first cycle. i am 25
i did some mistake i know..

no blood before.i should have run test e only..

here is what i am doing

week 1-8 250mg/test e 250mg/deca every mondays
week 9-10 375mg/test e 250mg/deca every mondays
week 10-12 375mg/test e only

week 1-8 10mg nolvadex ed
week 8-12 20m nolvadex ed

stat before cycle
168lbs 10% 5 11"
currently stat
184lbs 8% still 5 11" haha

so far everything is going well.. no side at all
i dont feel better or worst .

my pct was planned before my cycle but since i have read much more and my plan have change(and my head hurt)

here is what i have plan to do

5000iu hcg for 4 week split between 3 days each week
hcg start at week 10 . last pinof hcg is 3 days before pct start

pct start 3 week after last test e pin

clomid 100/75/50/50
nolvadex 40/40/20/20/10/10

blood work 3 week after end of pct

is it good?is it too much hcg ?
if you have any advice let me know this would be realy appreciate

thanks to everyone
Have u ran hcg before? Sometimes the estrogen can cause undesirable sides--- maybe consider just running 250IU m/w/f to prevent testicular atrophy from happening in first place.....

Pct is an art form (most adjust accordingly)

First cycle I would start off with lower doses and only one serm.


Clomid 100mg for 4 days 50/50/50/25

Then next time nolva only...
Then mix them....

I like to put least amount of serms in my body as I can and increase if needed.

Just a suggestion I'm not a doctor
Yeah that a good option !
I could do 250 iu 3x week like u say
And drop a bit !

Like i say i never ran hcg before
Thanks for ur advice
No problems.. a lot of people wait 6 weeks to start hcg anyways on test e that's about when it starts getting good anyways......
Read your proposed PCT and timeline from the original post. Looks fine. Blood works will always tell the true story, but my guess is if you follow the plan in your post you will be okay.