PCT for 30 week cycle


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10+ Year Member
So... I got overzealous and continued a cycle for entirely too long, first started out cutting for 10 weeks to reach 10% Bf, then bulked for 10 weeks, now I'm cutting down to 5% BF... I fucked up, I should never have gone about it this way and now I'm questioning my chances of recovering. I believe my normal PCT protocol is not going to cut it so I'm seeking the advice of experts to give me the best chance of making a decent recovery. Typically my PCT for a 12-15 week cycle consists of:

Clomid @ 100/50/50/50 & Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20

I have not been using HCG, which is dumb as fuck for such a long cycle... but I never planned for this cycle to drag on to the extent that it has, my ambitions got the better of me to say the least. I'm currently looking at blasting HCG towards the end of my cut up until I start my PCT but need the advice of someone experienced with such cases to tweak my SERM length and dosages for such a stupid cycle. Any feedback that is constructive is greatly appreciate. If worse comes to worst, I'm prepared to lay in my own grave I dug and go on TRT, however... I do not want that unless all else fails.

First 18 weeks consisted of trestolone decanoate and dienolone acetate, last 12 consists of test prop and tren ace, dropping the tren ace 3 weeks before PCT commences.
I'm on the same boat brother got a little greedy with the gains, if you find out a hcg protocol pm me plz!
I wouldn't panic bro... I'd run power pct and give it time. I've read plenty of accounts of guys on for multiple years and recovering. Might take awhile but recovery still is likely I think.

My biggest concern is an increased loss of muscle mass due to a harder recovery. I'd rather go on TRT than lose more than 10lbs of muscle