PCT for high bp


New Member
Since starting TRT my BP is periodically elevated. Since I get my TRT through my PCP my ins. won't cover Telmisartan for this.
I tried ordering it through PCT24x7, ususally a great source however my orderis stuck in Mumbai, India for 3 weeks now.
Does anyone know a good source for TELMISARTAN with fast delivery?
I used PCT.zone . they have it in their India and US warehouse. In the meantime, you can bring it down with magnesium and vitamin e.
View: https://youtu.be/e1c02DLxOcI?si=5rII1_9tOFQkWUjk
if you check his Facebook group "Taeian's camel cult" you can get more specifics. I think he suggests using supplements at first to get it down and then adjusting your diet to contain more magnesium and vitamin e from food sources. It's like 2g magnesium glycinate or similar form for 2 days and then drop to around 600mg/day. I forget the vitamin e amount to start with. Maybe it was 1200iu?
How often is periodically and what type of readings are you getting?
Do you have access to PDE5 inhibitors like Viagara or Ciallis ? Citrulline @ 5gms/day, Magnesium, take 1gram 2x daily, Taurine is good too about 5 grams daily. Not all at once though.
I highly recommend clonidine 100 mcg's( 0.1 mgs) for huge spikes because it works in about 15-30 mins. Since even if you can source Telmisartan quickly delivery and lowering will take a few days total. Same with other ACE inhibitors or Angiotensin receptor blockers ( ARB's) .
For rapid lowering : clonidine> cialis > L-citrulline .
Good Luck
Your insurance won’t cover BP meds?

Im not following this either.

If its a telmisartan issue specifically, there are other ARBs that are effective.

If your pcp is saying you only get TRT if it doesnt cause you problems, and they are going to attribute the high blood pressure to TRT... time to get a new pcp.
Im not following this either.

If its a telmisartan issue specifically, there are other ARBs that are effective.

If your pcp is saying you only get TRT if it doesnt cause you problems, and they are going to attribute the high blood pressure to TRT... time to get a new pcp.

Couldn’t agree more!
Since starting TRT my BP is periodically elevated. Since I get my TRT through my PCP my ins. won't cover Telmisartan for this.
I tried ordering it through PCT24x7, ususally a great source however my orderis stuck in Mumbai, India for 3 weeks now.
Does anyone know a good source for TELMISARTAN with fast delivery?

Also! if the Hypertension IS from the TRT and if not injecting daily or EOD, then please do so, as this will not effect hemodynamics and will most likely solve this conundrum, Donating Blood would be your next logical step
Couldn’t agree more!
Absolutely! But I'm on second pcp. They just aren't set up here for this. I literally know more than they do on the subject everytime it comes up. They don't believe in ancillaries. Their idea is that if your body doesn't handle it on its own then you don't need it. These docs are real fucking morons, IMO. The other option is to go to a "HRT Replacement Clinic" and my insurance does not cover those. The only med I get is the Testosterone. I get meds for high e2, prolactin and high bp from UGL.
Ever thought about looking for a place where you could buy your own testosterone and not using the doctors for TRT?
The quickest way to get meds for this is to go to sesame, spend $30 on a blood pressure consultation, tell them what your bp is, and let them send in a prescription to a local pharmacy for same day pickup. Then use goodRX to get it cheaply.

They'll prescribe a dual BP med, like Amlodipine / Benazapril, Amlodipine / Telmasartin, or something similar. This is because two low dose BP meds in combination are exponentially more effective than a single BP med in a higher dose, with fewer sides.

Telmasartin by itself is a crappy BP med advocated for by bro science. No doc in his right mind would prescribe that in isolation today.

By the way, for longer term treatment the best deal out there, and I know this source irritates some but it's always worked for me, Naps has Telmaheal AM-40/5. That's a super effective BP Amlodipine/Telmasartin combo, 150 tabs, $21. A crazy good deal but will take 2-3 weeks to come from Singapore.
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The quickest way to get meds for this is to go to sesame, spend $30 on a blood pressure consultation, tell them what your bp is, and let them send in a prescription to a local pharmacy for same day pickup. Then use goodRX to get it cheaply.

They'll prescribe a dual BP med, like Amlodipine / Benazapril, Amlodipine / Telmasartin, or something similar. This is because two low dose BP meds in combination are exponentially more effective than a single BP med in a higher dose, with fewer sides.

Telmasartin by itself is a crappy BP med advocated for by bro science. No doc in his right mind would prescribe that in isolation today.

LOL..whatever genius! My cardiologist prescribes it to most hypetensive patients, regardless of etiology , even idiopathic, ya know like for idiots.
It's first line treatment, so do yourself and us a favor and read a book . And Noo, 2 meds are NOT exponentially better than the correct optimum SINGLE one. You're confusing overlap with proper troubleshooting/ruling the ineffective med out.
LOL..whatever genius! My cardiologist prescribes it to most hypetensive patients, regardless of etiology , even idiopathic, ya know like for idiots.
It's first line treatment, so do yourself and us a favor and read a book . And Noo, 2 meds are NOT exponentially better than the correct optimum SINGLE one. You're confusing overlap with proper troubleshooting/ruling the ineffective med out.
I don't care what kind of small town geriatric cardio is treating your retarded ass, a simple google search of "low dose combination blood pressure treatment" will quickly pull up dozens of peer reviewed studies in the top journals in the field from the American Heart Association's Hypertension to U.S. Pharmacist all advocating quarter dose combination therapy as the gold standard in first line treatment.

I comfort myself knowing that the most arrogant, ignorant morons afflicting the world with their dated third rate medical "knowledge" are a self correcting problem, dying out well in advance of those who keep up with modern science.
Since starting TRT my BP is periodically elevated. Since I get my TRT through my PCP my ins. won't cover Telmisartan for this.
I tried ordering it through PCT24x7, ususally a great source however my orderis stuck in Mumbai, India for 3 weeks now.
Does anyone know a good source for TELMISARTAN with fast delivery?
Did you ever receive your Telmisartan from PCT.Zone????? I order same thing and it’s been sitting in Mumbai, India for a couple days
I did receive mine.
Since then I ordered some cialic and am in the same situation in Mumbai. I talke to the guy at PCT24x7 who said it's election season and so they are slowing the roll to not get pinched.
Did you ever receive your Telmisartan from PCT.Zone????? I order same thing and it’s been sitting in Mumbai, India for a couple days
How is your BP?
Since starting my cycle mine went up a lot. I'm working on controlling it with the meds and lots of hydration/electrolytes.
I was having heart rate (HR) of 165-170 btw sets at the gym. 5 minute rests min to get back to acceptable HR for next set.