PCT for my cycle steroid


New Member
Hello guys, I wanted to have an adequate PCT for this cycle steroids. I had thought of HCG for 3 weeks and 1500ui clomid 50mg for another 3 weeks. what do you think?

I recommend you include your hCG on cycle rather than at the end. Most men respond well to 250iu twice per week to help reduce testicular atrophy. Add Nolva to your PCT and youre golden.
Thanks for the advice, I will insert nolvadex during cycle. But after the cycle is fine an injection of hCG from 1500ui for three weeks? my seller has only vials 1500 ui
You do not understand the problem. my seller has only doses of 1500 IU per vial.

What does that have to do with SERM's on cycle??

And if you purchase 3 vials @ 1500iu a piece that's 4500iu. The if you count backwards 9 weeks from PCT then begin hCG @ 250iu twice per week, your problem is solved. Perhaps it's YOU that doesn't understand.
Northern laid it out for ya, (maybe its just a misunderstanding) but you should get 6 250iu "doses" out of each one of your 1500iu vials.
so should I split in a vial 6 1500? and where I keep it liquid? Mica can leave open the vial. If I do a week is a problem?
you said you were taking doses of 250 IU. as I do if doses are 1500?

You have no business doing AAS at this time. If i were you, i would spend more time educating myself about what im injecting into my body rather than how much to use.

And look up SERM's and their role. You have limited knowledge in just about every area of AAS.
so should I split in a vial 6 1500? and where I keep it liquid? Mica can leave open the vial. If I do a week is a problem?
idk how many mL's the 1500iu's is diluted to, but you do the Math and figure out how many mL's equal 250iu... then pin that amount
first of all thank you to you both for the answers. unfortunately I am Italian and I do not understand English very well, so if you do not understand something please understand me. You know tell me a good retailer of hcg that sends at reasonable rates in Italy and that is chorionic gonadotropin quality?
What does that have to do with SERM's on cycle??

And if you purchase 3 vials @ 1500iu a piece that's 4500iu. The if you count backwards 9 weeks from PCT then begin hCG @ 250iu twice per week, your problem is solved. Perhaps it's YOU that doesn't understand.
You can be injected along with the testosterone and deca?
But it is so difficult to answer this question? I asked if I can inject a single dose of 1500 in a week
That's not the way to do it. 250iu every day will be better.
You can be injected along with the testosterone and deca?
You don't do it that way. It's easy to inject subqutaneously with an insulin syringe. Also, if you dont want to use it your whole cycle 2x/week you can use it the last 2 weeks of your cycle at 250iu every day. That's what I do.