Pct hug how much


New Member
Alright I'm going on ten wk.cycle of deca 300 mgs test enanthate 500 mgs and dbol 20 mgs want to know how much hcg to take after 2 weeks of my cycle and what anti estrogen to take and if hcg is good during cycle and how many Ius I know Clomid is good but since dbol creates gyno want to know what else to take on pct or during cycle
Dude not trying to be a dick, but it sounds like you are no were near ready to do your first cycle. All the questions you've been asking can easily be answered with the search function, or just a simple Google search. You need to do your own research. Good luck.
Alright I'm going on ten wk.cycle of deca 300 mgs test enanthate 500 mgs and dbol 20 mgs want to know how much hcg to take after 2 weeks of my cycle and what anti estrogen to take and if hcg is good during cycle and how many Ius I know Clomid is good but since dbol creates gyno want to know what else to take on pct or during cycle
Hoooooooolllllyyyyy shit.... What in the motherfuck are you even trying to say?