PCT: ideal test level for HPTA restart and SERM administration?


New Member
Having read extensively on this (and other forums), I still haven't found the exact answer.

In PCT, toward the end of HCG administration, how low does test has to drop for HPTA restart? That is, at what test level is it ideal to administer SERMs to kickstart HPTA?

Would you start at ideal test, say 700 or wait till you have low test, in that 350 range? Or would you shoot for your endogenous test level pre-cycle?
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A quote from Dr Jim on this forum on the issue, without an exact specification
the interval required for tt clearance may be bridged thru the use of hcg

however ultimately hcg must be discontinued also and tt levels fall below age related norms because that is what is required to stimulate the htpa to begin secreting lh again

there are no ways to circumvent that physiologic factoid mate, none!

Another quote from that thread

IIRC Dr. Scally stated that the body will typically attempt to restart once levels get in the neighborhood of 350 or so. Hopefully he can weight in on this.
Again, no specification