Peptides with PCT?

Would it help recovery after cycle if i include some peptides with my PCT?
No, peptides do not affect the HPTA in that way. It can help hypothetically with maintaining more of your gains if presumed that the peptides increase your GH.

HCG is a peptide that does help recovery however I am assuming you are talking about GH peptides.
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I referring to GHRP6 with cjc-1295.

Wouldn't these help my natural test levels resume back to normal?
No, peptides do not affect the HPTA in that way. It can help hypothetically with maintaining more of your gains if presumed that the peptides increase your GH.
I already used HCG at 2500ius for 2 weeks before I started my PCT. the HCG didn't bring back my sex drive
I didn't see a question but if you are doing PCT now and see no improvement after 4 weeks get labs done to check LH/FSH/tTest/e2 at the very least.
Can you post an outline of the cycle and duration?
11 days after last pin. My cycle was 2 months and my sex drive got shut down completely in week 6 and I was on 100mg of NPP eod for that 6 weeks
What's the range of the estradiol test

Ie is the 60 above the range

Did they test your SHBG and free test

When your e gets too high it does fark up your libido

Keep taking the Clomid and add some arimidex
I already used hcg at 2500ius for 2 weeks before I started my pct. the HCG didn't bring back my sex drive

My blood work was
ALT- 51
TSH- 1.56
LH- <1.
FSH- 2.
testosterone- 22.3
prolactin- <1.


And I'm currently on my first week of clomid with 0 sex drive

11 days after last pin. My cycle was 2 months and my sex drive got shut down completely in week 6 and I was on 100mg of NPP eod for that 6 weeks
Seriously. You must compile this info in a proper timeline for anyone to make sense of it and help you.
I am assuming your tT is in nmol/l so that equals around 642 ng/dl which is good from not being completely shut down and having it come from the hCG only! Your e2 is less than 60 I am assuming you wrote the right less than or greater than sign. Thanks for making it easy to help you (>.>)

You are in the first week of clomid at what dose?!
Clomid has a 5 day half life so if you didn't frontload or use the first week as a loading dose it is going to take a while for your clomid to kick in. I would suggest using both nolva and clomid for PCT.

Honestly it looks like everything is fine, if your tT is in the 20s from the hCG your balls are primed and ready to go! Just need to wait for the SERMs to do the work.

Your cycle was a complete clusterfuck, next time post a thread about your cycle to get feedback BEFORE you do something sub-par. Sorry but I couldn't hold myself from saying what a dumb cycle you did. Learn from it rather than be offended!
No thank you for telling me. I got this cycle from a guy named dylan gemelli. I should've just used tren an dbol and kept it simple. I'm only 20 an rushed in to a professional stack.
No thank you for telling me. I got this cycle from a guy named dylan gemelli. I should've just used tren an dbol and kept it simple. I'm only 20 an rushed in to a professional stack.
Oh Dylan, he is a goof! Yeah, NPP only is a professionally idiotic "stack."
Yeah for sure tren and dbol are great but haven't you heard testosterone only is a great starting point? Something smells funny here... Could be my socks, haven't changed in a couple days.

My cycle was

Test e 400mg aweek
EQ 600mg aweek
NPP 100mg eod only for the first 6 weeks
Aromasin 12.5 eod

Was a 2 month cycle
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