MESO-Rx Exclusive Peter Bond on steroids and hair loss

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Hair loss has been one of the greater fears for bodybuilders who use anabolic steroids. @PeterBond discusses hair follicle cycling and male-pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopcia). Then he sets the stage for what can be done about it.

Currently in the process of writing the article on treatment options. Feel free to drop any suggestions you feel I should include. I currently have my crosshairs on oral finasteride/dutasteride, topical finasteride, topical minoxidil, oral minoxidil, topical androgen receptor antagonists, prostaglandins, PRP therapy, and Wnt pathway agonists.
2% ketoconazole (Ketozolin) Shampoo works very well for me. It has a slightly anti androgenic affect on the scalp
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