Pharma Grade Gear in Thailand


New Member
Hi all,

This year's holiday is set in Thailand, sometime during late November - December. I just wanted to clarify a few things before I buy gear there.
I am planning on running a cycle of Test E + Primo E a month or two prior to the holiday and wanted to continue the duration of the cycle whilst in Thailand (Considering it is legal and easily obtainable).
I have read about the accessibility of both Pharma and UGL in Thailand, however would like some insight from users that have bought in the past.

Are the 'mainstream' pharmacies more reputable than the local ones?
How would I recognise the carrier oil used if I was to buy ugl?
What areas in Thailand are reputable for good Pharma grade gear?

I'm open towards further knowledge as well.
I believe a while back there was a giant thread on here called something like “bringing gear back from Thailand”. I’m sure it had lots of info. Maybe search and see if you can find it.

Edit: I was wrong on the title. Take your spoon feed bitch..

Edit #2: fuck. This is an old thread
I believe a while back there was a giant thread on here called something like “bringing gear back from Thailand”. I’m sure it had lots of info. Maybe search and see if you can find it.

Edit: I was wrong on the title. Take your spoon feed bitch..

Edit #2: fuck. This is an old thread
Thanks for this, that's an awesome thread, with exactly what I was looking for and more