Pharmacom hgh and aas

These results are 10iu 3 hours pre blood draw. I had been using 10iu daily for previous 9 days and 5iu daily 3 weeks prior to that. I normally pin in the evening. For this test I did prior evening 10iu and 10 hours later I pinned the 10iu pre test 3 hours before blood draw. I am also using 900mg test e 750 mast 900mg deca weekly. All pharmacom products. I have been on cycle 35 days.


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your igf is high but your hgh serum is low. are you happy with your numbers aside from test?

They are both low I expected over 400 with taking 10iu a day. I orginally got the bloods after taking hgh for most of last year . the current batch I have cured my cts. I was pretty sure it was under dosed alot. At this rate serostim is cheaper for results
I've never run GH so forgive me. So reading this the igf # is 262 ? For the dose you've been running shouldn't it be higher ? Here's a members results at 2iu only a month in, and he didn't blast the usual 10iu pretty test.

[TP's TheGreyTop] [IGF-1 blood test] [May 2016]

yes it should be. i did the test because i had lost the carpal tunnel that hgh gives me. Previously had only been able to stand 7iu of hgh before the side effects became unbearable. At 10iu on current don't even feel it. I have stopped injecting the pharmacom hgh since I no longer believe it to good.
yes it should be. i did the test because i had lost the carpal tunnel that hgh gives me. Previously had only been able to stand 7iu of hgh before the side effects became unbearable. At 10iu on current don't even feel it. I have stopped injecting the pharmacom hgh since I no longer believe it to good.
I've wondered out loud about why generic gh causes such crazy sides like carpal tunnel on a few iu's/ed along with extreme lethargy?
I, along with many others who have had extended runs with serostim and other pharmacy gh, don't have these issues.
I'm always reading about guys who equate extreme discomfort with potent gh.
I will say there seems to be a good selection of generic gh that is testing out well. A couple of guys we have to thank for all the testing would be @muscle96ss and @ProfessorX . I've had some disagreements with muscles96 but he's put some real work in and it's appreciated.
So what do we do about this Pharmacom gh? I suppose credit towards gear?
If pharmacom eventually admits to poor quality gh I'd advise members against taking replacement kits from them. If the past teaches us anything about generic gh it's that many sources replace shit gh with more shit gh. It may not be their intention, but we've seen it happen over and over again.
What's also been said over and over by myself and many others is that if guys are going to buy generics the only sources and gh to trust is The Provider and Homer. The gh may come from a couple of other decent sources but the gh should originate from the factory those 2 get from.
Platinum Direct gets his gh from the same factory TP and HK get from as well.
It's frustrating to see members time and time again lose out with other generic gh. The good th never lasts for long coming from anyplace else.
They are both low I expected over 400 with taking 10iu a day. I orginally got the bloods after taking hgh for most of last year . the current batch I have cured my cts. I was pretty sure it was under dosed alot. At this rate serostim is cheaper for results
Taking 5ius 3 weeks prior should at least put ur igf level on the 600 range. Btw Hgh serum test are never reliable. Always go with pharma grade when it comes to hgh usage
@Pharmacom Labs @Pharmacom Helper another test where your hgh did not do good....

Side note
I find it weird though cause I'm using pharmacom hgh and me and wife got the same tattoo from same artist just different spots and mine is healed already nd hers still has a good 4 to 5 days before it'll heal fully
@biggerben69 what makes this factory so good may I ask? Amd I'm going to have to save up and try them out, it sucks i already have a 6 month supply of pharmacom hgh and with all these blood tests coming back low I'm kinda pissed
@biggerben69 what makes this factory so good may I ask? Amd I'm going to have to save up and try them out, it sucks i already have a 6 month supply of pharmacom hgh and with all these blood tests coming back low I'm kinda pissed
If you ask @muscle96ss he'll certainly know much more of the history than I do. I've never personally ordered or used generic gh from anyone at anytime. I'm fortunate to live in an area where pharmacy gh is always around.
Thank you for confirming the gh is bunk. Now they can't say that I stored it improperly when we both showed bunk. No telling how many kits were sold that have no gh.

I should have the replacement kits next week and I will serum those as well.

The raised igf is likely due to deca.
@biggerben69 what makes this factory so good may I ask? Amd I'm going to have to save up and try them out, it sucks i already have a 6 month supply of pharmacom hgh and with all these blood tests coming back low I'm kinda pissed

If you ask @muscle96ss he'll certainly know much more of the history than I do. I've never personally ordered or used generic gh from anyone at anytime. I'm fortunate to live in an area where pharmacy gh is always around.

Those 3 sell the same product.
Those 3 sell the same product.
@noswttea4u ...wanna make sure I understand what you're getting at.
If you're saying PD, Hk, and TP all sell generics from the same factory and all sell the same gh, then yes, this is true. I've posted that often.
Member @drgreenthumb628 I believe was asking what makes that specific factory so adept at turning out gh with consistently high quality gh?
I believe Homer and Provider have exclusive rights to purchase from that factory....or some similar agreement. I don't remember the story with Platinum and how he's in?
Unfortunate news as to the gh, if true. Have some coming, long delay on inventory. Wondering if they got new production or something and that was the cause. It's surprising to hear this feedback when they have such an emphasis on quality control with AAS.

Many of Western Bio/sciroxx IGF results seem good on eroids. Some MS testing seemed to confirm good purity too.

TP seems pretty reliable across the board.

The generic gh scene is such a crap shoot.
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Thank you for confirming the gh is bunk. Now they can't say that I stored it improperly when we both showed bunk. No telling how many kits were sold that have no gh.

I should have the replacement kits next week and I will serum those as well.

The raised igf is likely due to deca.
I'm pretty concerned getting gh from anyone this time of year. No matter who it is, it will be sitting in 90F heat on a plane and trucks for probably 2 weeks. Maybe 1 at best if expressed. That high summer heat is no good for gh.