PHARMASOURCE - Pharmastar DHB - lab test by janoshik [blind sample]

@B Ware yes I sent to jano only blind samples every time.

@Davidinovg DHB usually is with cypionate ester but DHB no ester exist , but it is uncommon, however there are some raw supplier in China that are selling DHB no ester raw, like this : Buy 1-Testosterone Base Powder DHB no ester powder-Bulkrawsteroid

it is not useless, indeed, without the weight of the ester, the molecule is full, it is 79.57 pure. The cyp ester is quite heavy and would have taken 25% of the total weight. the difference is in the active life, no Ester is super fast (24/48 hours active life) so a frequent injections are required, eod as minimum
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