PIP after homebrew L-Carnitine


New Member
I made my l-carnitine at 700mg/ml and pinned R. delt 3 days ago still crazy PIP. 2 days ago I pinned L. delt and no PIP. No fever, not red, not warm, just crazy pain. Not virgin muscle. I tried to pin through the pain and when it hit the muscle I started to shake. Is this infected? I don't know what the hell is going on bro.
No experience pinning carnitine, but it sounds like the times I've hit or irritated a nerve. Monitor for the usual symptoms of redness, heat, discoloration, mushy swelling at injection site or fever and chills. I'd bet money, it clears up almost entirely in 5 days.
No experience pinning carnitine, but it sounds like the times I've hit or irritated a nerve. Monitor for the usual symptoms of redness, heat, discoloration, mushy swelling at injection site or fever and chills. I'd bet money, it clears up almost entirely in 5 days.
That makes sense. Thanks. I'll give it a week break. I've followed the instructions. How should I do this the right way?
if it is infected it will get red, whole arm gets swollen and the injection area feels squishy after some time. Also hurts like hell.
Your issue is that you dosed it at 700mg/ml. That’s a really concentrated dose. Someone had told you in your other thread that you’d probably get pip at a high dose like that and to make it at 400-500 instead.
How do you guys inject L-Carnitine? IM I assume. Do you use 25g or 23g needles say 1 inch for shoulders and quads and 1.5 inch for glutes.

Does anyone go IM? I am also curious if anyone else gets PIP from injecting items like these.
Your issue is that you dosed it at 700mg/ml. That’s a really concentrated dose. Someone had told you in your other thread that you’d probably get pip at a high dose like that and to make it at 400-500 instead.
So 400-500 mg or under should not have any PIP?
How do you guys inject L-Carnitine? IM I assume. Do you use 25g or 23g needles say 1 inch for shoulders and quads and 1.5 inch for glutes.

Does anyone go IM? I am also curious if anyone else gets PIP from injecting items like these.
I brewed up some 500mg/ml. I have to push it slow IM, about 30 second push and it prevents the pain. Also I keep it in the fridge and I learned if i warm it up in my syringe under some warm water after I draw this also helps, pip only lasts about 15-20 mins when I do it this way. Also if it's real bad might want to check the ph if it's real acidic you may have used the wrong type of carnatine.
Just fished pinning my Injectable L-carnitine. 500mg/ml. Zero pip. Smooth as butter.

Used L-carnitine base
1%BA with Distilled water. To make my Bac water.
Spun it up on my heat plate at 50 degrees C for a few minutes till it turned clear with zero hazyness and zero particles.
Filterd through my .22 micron, nylon bottle top filter.

Tested the PH and it was in the 9's. No baking soda needed.

Done and done. Only time will tell if it crashes. And I'm interested to see how considerated it can be made like this.