Hey guys, first time posting here aside from my mandatory introductory post. I recently switched to a beligas vial of test E 300mg/ml. Pip was horrible and made my injection site swell up like a baseball. Naturally, I assumed the culprit was the high mg/ml content. So I ordered some injectable MCT oil to add to the syringe whenever I inject. My last injection I made sure to turn the syringe upside down and back up a few times to try to get everything mixed together well. This time I didn’t swell up nearly as bad and the pip wasn’t horrible, but still noticeably worse than when I was on TRT or when I used from a different UGL brand. I’m wondering if this means there are contaminants such as metals in the vial and that maybe I should just toss it and cut my losses. Any thoughts? Anyone else order from Beligas before and have experience they can share?