
New Member
Hi guys, I've been on a 12 week cycle of test 400 pro Chem labs. Also tren E 300 along side for the first 8 weeks and a 4 week kick start with dbol 50mg a day.

Whole cycle all in all went well! However.... My last jab was on Thursday just gone and I jabbed 1ml test 400 in my left delt. Aspirated etc no blood, jabbed away as usual. Within minutes afterward I had a very dead arm, almost like I was being punched! I went straight to the gym and trained delts as I've heard it's good to work the muscle you jabbed to help disperse the oil. That night I barely slept as I was in a lot of pain, the second night last night was a little better but still painful. Ive got home from work tonight and my left delt is still slightly swollen, and the redness has now spread to my triceps and bicep. It's hard and tender to touch. No pus, no bruising. Mobility is slightly better. Any ideas what's happened? Like I said I've had no issues the whole cycle until my last jab (sods law!)

Anyone had this happen before? My temperature seems normal, I don't feel ill. I'm just pissed off I can't train upper body!! Any feedback would be appreciated.

Thanks guys.
It sounds like just high dose test that as moved around and migrated down your arm.

I wouldn't worry to much if it is getting better. It's when it starts to get worse through the out the week that you should be worrying.
You pinned your delt, which is a small im injection site. You pinned fucking test 400/mL and you're surprised you have pip that severe. I'm not surprised. That sucks, but doesn't sound out of the ordinary
You pinned your delt, which is a small im injection site. You pinned fucking test 400/mL and you're surprised you have pip that severe. I'm not surprised. That sucks, but doesn't sound out of the ordinary
Fair enough mate, Guess I never thought about the actual concentration and more of just the volume I injected! When you put it like that then I get you