planning next blast need critique


New Member
currently on self trt at 175mg a day i’m 6ft 210 13% bf im planning my next blast in a month after the holiday season was planning on deca @ 250 primo @250 test @400 for 8-12 weeks and dbol @ 20ed added in the last 4 weeks. wanting to put on size and hoping to compete in mens physique sometime in the future i’ve only ever ran 500mgs of test for 60 days and trt @175mgs for a month so far i needed 25mg aromasin ed @ 500mgs of test to put my e2 @ 29 besides mild acne and needing the ai i have no other sides from that dose of test. i do blood work monthly as well. any advice on what ancillaries to run, what sides to look out for and the specifics of them? current lifts are squat 315 for 10 bench 355 for 5 incline bench 295 for 6


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