Pre bloods


New Member
How do I request full panel??

Will be running
Test prop 100 ed 1-8
Tren 70 ed 1-8
Anavar ed 60 mg 6-8
Have caber and aromasin in hand


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Are you talking about a full panel through your doctor/insurance, or on your own through a self pay lab like Quest or Labcorp?
You say that you qualify for TRT in another thread on the Steroid Forum. IMO, I don't think a doctor that wants to keep his license would prescribe a 25 y/o, with a test level of 400, to a lifetime of TRT. Not to say that you may not need it in 5-10 years but for now you are within the normal range.

Also, how long has it been since you have used anything that would effect your testosterone levels? What time of day were these labs done? Any drinking, lack of sleep or changes in diet before test?
You say that you qualify for TRT in another thread on the Steroid Forum. IMO, I don't think a doctor that wants to keep his license would prescribe a 25 y/o, with a test level of 400, to a lifetime of TRT. Not to say that you may not need it in 5-10 years but for now you are within the normal range.

Got that right mate and one look at the OPs AVATAR of a FULLY DEVELOPED MUSCULAR MALE would tell me and any other doc with half a brain, the reason he may "qualify for TRT" is ANDROGEN INDUCED HYPOGONADISM!

Next up, hey we need a AAS urine drug screen, LH, FSH, E-2 and repeat TT level and to prove the latter is not responsible, but I know better!
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Got that right mate and one look at the OPs AVATAR of a FULLY DEVELOPED MUSCULAR MALE would tell me and any other doc with half a brain, the reason he may "qualify for TRT" is ANDROGEN INDUCED HYPOGONADISM!

Next up, hey we need a AAS urine drug screen, LH, FSH, E-2 and repeat TT level and to prove the latter is not responsible, but I know better!

That's exactly what I was thinking. If I had to guess, I would say his natural test is probably actually higher, hence the follow-up questions. You may want to think about holding off on your next cycle and do blood work again in a month to see what you levels are before running your next cycle. My concern would be running another cycle when you haven't fully restored natural production.