Primo & 1-TC -Laboratory analysis

You folks get your issues sorted with test results over at ASF? What were the issues, exactly? I heard some not so good things concerning you folks? I could go right to the man himself as I count @janoshik as a Friend of the Community who is always around and willing to answer questions for us if you were a client but alas, you utilize a different lab?

I'm not familiar with Analiza Bialek but as long as they have been checked out and are accredited I welcome them. Jano perhaps can give me a hand with the rumors about this Uncle Z owned outfit known as PSL.

It was a different person or persons behind the Uncle Z placard when I last had interaction here at meso. We didn't get on very well at all. Of course the topic at the time had to do with Omnadren Uncle was peddling. He coined the phrase "working replicas" right here at meso. That was a long time ago. Different times.

I'll thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter, PSL Rep!
IIRC the issue at ASF was faked report from Lab4Tox.

About Analiza Bialek, I have my own doubts I've discreetly voiced here, in public and will voice more in private.
I have a little story :)

Labs : Hey here your results of analyse thank you for your trust !

Client : Humm sorry but the product sending to your lab are always in customs so ... :rolleyes:

Giving lessons is good if we are an example.
Otherwise it is better to sweep in front of your door before you want to give any lessons or to criticize especially unfounded ;)
Yup still the same old scammers PSL. When BB69 is on your ass, you got probs lol

Then we have shill @lundgren. No one cares what you have to say. You an alt acct full of shit. No one in their right mind would back PSL.