Prolactin Gyno

Hey guys,

Just wanted to post a mini log for others to read if they want.

I've been experiencing gyno lumps under both nipples for the last few months. With some pain and sensitvity.

I had the gyno lumps on a previous cycle but nolvadex was able to reduce it enough that I did not notice it as much.

The gyno lumps flared up and got worse a few months back.

I was running Test E approximately 300mg-350mg per week. Tren E approximately 140mg-150mg per week. I had the gyno lumps from a previous cycle before I had started the Tren E. But I was on Deca on a previous cycle so my prolactin levels may have still been elevated from that. I have since cut the Tren E out to help lower my prolactin levels, although I know this could take a few weeks to clear my system and for the levels to start decreasing.

Over the last several weeks I slowly moved my arimidex dosage up from about 0.5mg 3x per week to 3mg per week. I also used nolvadex at 40mg per day, and a few days at 60mg per day. Started taking raloxifene at the advice of the members on this forum. Originally my first pack I took 50mg per day for the first 12/13 days, then 25mg per day. A few days I did take 75mg - 100mg per day, with a few days at 125mg per day. I only had at the time 60 tablets of raloxifene so I just used it until I ran out.

None of this helped reduce my gyno noticeably, it only made a minor improvement.

I was on finasteride 1.25mg per day prescribed by my doctor. I have since stopped taking it as my prescription has ended a little while back, because since there is less testosterone being converted to DHT because it is being blocked by the finasteride, more could be converting to estrogen. Causing higher estrogen levels in my body.

I then started taking Vitamin b6 at approximately 400mg per day, divided into 2 seperate doses. Less then a week ago I added vitamin e at 400iu per day. First day I did 800iu.

I completed my bloodwork recently with my doctor. My estradiol levels did come back in range. My prolactin was elevated above range on the high side slightly, but he said he is not concerned.

My doctor wanted me to do an ultrasound first for the gyno lumps, then follow up bloodwork to check my prolactin levels.

Since they are above the highest range slightly, I am going to continue to run the vitamin b6 (possibly at a higher dosage), as well as the vitamin e (possibly at a higher dosage)....I'm just going to continue to wait for the Tren E to clear my system. I'm hoping if I can get my prolactin levels down a bit, the SERMS etc will be more effective for reducing my gyno lump. I saw from researching online some people say until they take Cabergoline etc to reduce prolactin levels, nothing they try reduces their gyno lumps. I am going to order some for any future cycles of Tren/Deca.

I had ordered more raloxifene and nolvadex recently. So I am going to continue running 1mg 3x per week of arimidex as my estradiol levels came back in range. Since my new packs of raloxifene and nolvadex came in the other day, I have been running 20mg per day of nolvadex, with a few days at 40mg per day. And 100mg per day of raloxifene. I am going to continue on with that and as my prolactin levels hopefully lower, I am going to decrease the dosage of raloxifene, and probably continue at 20mg per day of nolvadex until the lumps are reduced enough.

Just wanted to post some of my experiences over the last few months, can be helpful for others to maybe read to learn from mistakes, or trial and error of other members so they can be better prepared to deal with any issues that come up on cycle.

I'll try and post an update once I'm able to hopefully reduce my prolactin levels and then see if raloxifene/nolvadex will be effective for reducing my lumps.

Thanks guys! :)
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Jousting fucking Chester your doses are all over the fucking place bro!

Drop down to trt for the next 12 weeks and run 40mg/ed nolva and 60mgs/ed of ralox for the FULL 12 weeks and then drop down to just rolax at 20mgs/ed for another month to taper down. And quit using 19 nor steroids before you end up with full blown bitch tits:oops:

I've had gyno on both sides and the surgery to remove it so I know what I'm talking about here.
Jousting fucking Chester your doses are all over the fucking place bro!

Drop down to trt for the next 12 weeks and run 40mg/ed nolva and 60mgs/ed of ralox for the FULL 12 weeks and then drop down to just rolax at 20mgs/ed for another month to taper down. And quit using 19 nor steroids before you end up with full blown bitch tits:oops:

I've had gyno on both sides and the surgery to remove it so I know what I'm talking about here.
My gyno isn't bad don't worry!

Just some small lumps under both nipples. But I still would like to reduce them.

Definitely lowering my test dose, and I've cut the Tren until I can get everything cleared up.

Just had wanted to post everything in detail that I tried so people could see what I have trial and error if they are dealing with a similar situation.

Will be running a more consistent routine of the nolvadex+raloxifene going forward.
Glad you're trying to be of service to the community, but damn so hard to read. Your doses are all over the place like mentioned. Pick a protocol and stick to it. Otherwise you have no idea what works and what doesn't.
It looks like you've tried everything but caber?

I know many think b6 works for prolactin related gyno..:but are you really gonna trust the sanctity of your nipples with b6!? B6 did little for me but headaches at the dosage you are using it. There should be sources if you go through the underground if you need caber.

Ive had a similar issue myself with Tren and Aromasin (12.5 eod), nolva 10mg ed + caber (0.25mg) took care of it. Oh and cutting tren which is why short ester Tren is supreme (and supposfely mg for mg more bio available)

Of course my experience is individual and ancedotal.

It looks like you've tried everything but caber?

I know many think b6 works for prolactin related gyno..:but are you really gonna trust the sanctity of your nipples with b6!? B6 did little for me but headaches at the dosage you are using it. There should be sources if you go through the underground if you need caber.

Ive had a similar issue myself with Tren and Aromasin (12.5 eod), nolva 10mg ed + caber (0.25mg) took care of it. Oh and cutting tren which is why short ester Tren is supreme (and supposfely mg for mg more bio available)

Of course my experience is individual and ancedotal.

Thanks for the reply. I definitely agree having Caber on hand would have been ideal to keep my prolactin levels down. I do think if I had Caber it would have resolved my issue sooner.

I took out the Tren E a few weeks back. But as mentioned it will take a while to slowly clear my system, so it will probably still keep prolactin levels elevated until it clears. So I am hoping my prolactin levels will gradually reduce as time goes on.

While continuing with Vitamin E at 400iu per day, and 300/400mg of Vitamin B6 per day, split into 2 divided doses.

I will definitely order Caber/Prami on future orders when I make one if I am still having issues. Or if I decide to run Tren/Deca again on a future cycle.

Also currently reducing calories/increasing cardio to reduce body fat levels, to help reduce some aromatization. Started using a protein powder that has greens powder in it to introduce some DIM for estrogen metabolism.

Waiting to do follow up bloodwork with my doctor to check my prolactin levels to see if I was able to get them within range. If not I'll see if he will prescribe Caber etc, or make recommendations to help lower my prolactin.

My gyno is not bad. But I am definitely going to continue trying to reduce it. I have noticed some minor reduction over these last few weeks. So I am hoping it continues.

Still running nolvadex at 20mg per day, with raloxifene at 50mg per day split into 2 divided doses. I also lowered my Test dosage while continuing with arimidex at the same dosage that was keeping my estradiol in range.
Thanks for the reply. I definitely agree having Caber on hand would have been ideal to keep my prolactin levels down. I do think if I had Caber it would have resolved my issue sooner.

I took out the Tren E a few weeks back. But as mentioned it will take a while to slowly clear my system, so it will probably still keep prolactin levels elevated until it clears. So I am hoping my prolactin levels will gradually reduce as time goes on.

While continuing with Vitamin E at 400iu per day, and 300/400mg of Vitamin B6 per day, split into 2 divided doses.

I will definitely order Caber/Prami on future orders when I make one if I am still having issues. Or if I decide to run Tren/Deca again on a future cycle.

Also currently reducing calories/increasing cardio to reduce body fat levels, to help reduce some aromatization. Started using a protein powder that has greens powder in it to introduce some DIM for estrogen metabolism.

Waiting to do follow up bloodwork with my doctor to check my prolactin levels to see if I was able to get them within range. If not I'll see if he will prescribe Caber etc, or make recommendations to help lower my prolactin.

My gyno is not bad. But I am definitely going to continue trying to reduce it. I have noticed some minor reduction over these last few weeks. So I am hoping it continues.

Still running nolvadex at 20mg per day, with raloxifene at 50mg per day split into 2 divided doses. I also lowered my Test dosage while continuing with arimidex at the same dosage that was keeping my estradiol in range.
Sounds like you are doing everything within your power and you have the assistance of an MD/bloods. Nothing more you can really do other than get quality advices from the meso family.
Sounds like you are doing everything within your power and you have the assistance of an MD/bloods. Nothing more you can really do other than get quality advices from the meso family.
I do appreciate all the advice people have given!

Lots of experienced and knowledgeable members on this forum.

I will be sure to update this thread once something changes!
It looks like you've tried everything but caber?

I know many think b6 works for prolactin related gyno..:but are you really gonna trust the sanctity of your nipples with b6!? B6 did little for me but headaches at the dosage you are using it. There should be sources if you go through the underground if you need caber.

Ive had a similar issue myself with Tren and Aromasin (12.5 eod), nolva 10mg ed + caber (0.25mg) took care of it. Oh and cutting tren which is why short ester Tren is supreme (and supposfely mg for mg more bio available)

Of course my experience is individual and ancedotal.

P5P is needed, not b6. P5P is the bioavailable form of B6.
Interesting story. I’m trying to solve some tingling nipples myself. Doing 475mg test a week with 250mast and 100 Deca. I agree get some caber.
What’s interesting to me is you’re running more AI then most people suggest and your E2 is ok.

how do you feel? Is your sex drive good? That’s my biggest isssue. I wanted to run some tamoxifen but was worried it would crash my sex drive
I was curious to know your body fat levels. Being brutally honest with yourself, are you well above 15%? Being leaner should help dramatically reduce your need for aromatase inhibitors.

I have read some conflicting information that cabergoline isn't necessary for tren. Maybe that's an individual thing. For me personally, I added 300mg of trenbolone enanthate to my 200mg of weekly test cypionate and propionate mixture. I started to get tingly and tender lumps under my nipples as the trenbolone started to kick in. And I could feel they were bigger. I started taking .5mg of arimidex twice weekly (Mon and Thurs) and that seemed to help. The tenderness started to subside but the larger feeling lumps were the same size.

But as the tren started to kick in I started getting noticeably bigger and leaner. Injecting my 1.5" 23g needle started to hurt more because the muscles in my glutes started to grow and get harder and I have less fat in the area. It's actually harder to push the needle in. I've only gained about twelve pounds but I still fit into my 32" waist size pants and shorts and my body composition has changed substantially. Only the glutes and thigh areas of my pants/shorts feel tight. Guys at the gym who now see me keep saying I look huge. Well, twelve pounds heavier isn't much to write home about. But I think it's a combination of fat loss and muscle gain from a recomposition standpoint. By week five or six, I started to forgot to take my half tabs of arimidex and started to notice it didn't really matter. My gyno wasn't flaring up or feeling tender after missing a dose. I really believe that my body fat lowered to the point that the use of an aromatase inhibitor isn't really needed.

And now, my gyno feels smaller and doesn't feel as swollen as when I first started the tren. So my guess is lowering body fat levels improved my situation substantially. I'm also trying daily micro-dosing of my testosterone using insulin needles to my delts to see if this will help the estrogen to testosterone ratio in favor of the latter, of course. If this is something you haven't tried you might want to look into it. I think you're taking way too many AI's and the results don't sound all that satisfactory.
Thanks for the reply. I definitely agree having Caber on hand would have been ideal to keep my prolactin levels down. I do think if I had Caber it would have resolved my issue sooner.

I took out the Tren E a few weeks back. But as mentioned it will take a while to slowly clear my system, so it will probably still keep prolactin levels elevated until it clears. So I am hoping my prolactin levels will gradually reduce as time goes on.

While continuing with Vitamin E at 400iu per day, and 300/400mg of Vitamin B6 per day, split into 2 divided doses.

I will definitely order Caber/Prami on future orders when I make one if I am still having issues. Or if I decide to run Tren/Deca again on a future cycle.

Also currently reducing calories/increasing cardio to reduce body fat levels, to help reduce some aromatization. Started using a protein powder that has greens powder in it to introduce some DIM for estrogen metabolism.

Waiting to do follow up bloodwork with my doctor to check my prolactin levels to see if I was able to get them within range. If not I'll see if he will prescribe Caber etc, or make recommendations to help lower my prolactin.

My gyno is not bad. But I am definitely going to continue trying to reduce it. I have noticed some minor reduction over these last few weeks. So I am hoping it continues.

Still running nolvadex at 20mg per day, with raloxifene at 50mg per day split into 2 divided doses. I also lowered my Test dosage while continuing with arimidex at the same dosage that was keeping my estradiol in range.

my source has cebaser 20x1mg is that the same as caber?
I was curious to know your body fat levels. Being brutally honest with yourself, are you well above 15%? Being leaner should help dramatically reduce your need for aromatase inhibitors.

I have read some conflicting information that cabergoline isn't necessary for tren. Maybe that's an individual thing. For me personally, I added 300mg of trenbolone enanthate to my 200mg of weekly test cypionate and propionate mixture. I started to get tingly and tender lumps under my nipples as the trenbolone started to kick in. And I could feel they were bigger. I started taking .5mg of arimidex twice weekly (Mon and Thurs) and that seemed to help. The tenderness started to subside but the larger feeling lumps were the same size.

But as the tren started to kick in I started getting noticeably bigger and leaner. Injecting my 1.5" 23g needle started to hurt more because the muscles in my glutes started to grow and get harder and I have less fat in the area. It's actually harder to push the needle in. I've only gained about twelve pounds but I still fit into my 32" waist size pants and shorts and my body composition has changed substantially. Only the glutes and thigh areas of my pants/shorts feel tight. Guys at the gym who now see me keep saying I look huge. Well, twelve pounds heavier isn't much to write home about. But I think it's a combination of fat loss and muscle gain from a recomposition standpoint. By week five or six, I started to forgot to take my half tabs of arimidex and started to notice it didn't really matter. My gyno wasn't flaring up or feeling tender after missing a dose. I really believe that my body fat lowered to the point that the use of an aromatase inhibitor isn't really needed.

And now, my gyno feels smaller and doesn't feel as swollen as when I first started the tren. So my guess is lowering body fat levels improved my situation substantially. I'm also trying daily micro-dosing of my testosterone using insulin needles to my delts to see if this will help the estrogen to testosterone ratio in favor of the latter, of course. If this is something you haven't tried you might want to look into it. I think you're taking way too many AI's and the results don't sound all that satisfactory.

My body fat is about 6.5% at the highest. Im super super lean. I am just going to keep doing blood work and try and figure out whats going on here. Will test again tomorrow. I think my body is fed up w/ high levels of hormones is all I can figure... too many years of it. ?