Prolactin Level on NPP—When/If Caber?


Five weeks into first run with NPP (or any nandrolone for that matter) and just got the results from my bloodwork taken back on the 19th. My sensitive estradiol came back within range, lowish, at 19.1, but my prolactin came back just outside the high range at 16.4ng/ml. (Range shows 4-15.2 no/ml). Rest of my blood results came back exactly where I’d expect them based on past testing—well other than my RDW which was also just out of range but rest of the CBC is normal.

Currently taking 500mg test cyp, 400mg NPP, 500mg DHB per week, and 80mg daily of Var (Var only the past 3 weeks and next 5 if I don’t reduce or drop it due to extreme pumps). Also 4iu HGH daily and .25mg adex 3x week.

As far as sides, I’ve had slightly less sex drive, some oily skin and little acne at my temples, nothing bad, but noticeable for a guy in his 40’s. Been a little more tired than past cycles, and having huge pumps, nothing that I can’t live with, but the front delt pumps (and jaw muscle at my temples) are downright painful. Noticable gains so far and vascularity increased—more so for 5 weeks than my past cycles.

I have caber on hand which I picked up just in case, but haven’t taken any. Have read what I can find on the debate of E2 vs prolactin re: gyno and potential sides from the caber. Planned to simply have it if needed. Now I’m simply unsure when the “need” is actually present. Everything I’ve found basically talks about dosing when a physical side from high prolactin has completely kicked in—not in relation to blood levels. Would rather not wait till a physical side is in full swing, but not sure if just outside the recommended prolactin range is the right time to start. Admit with it being where it is, my initial thought is to start low dose caber 2x a week (like .25mg) and see how I feel.

Instead of just guessing, figured I would reach out and see what the collective had to share on the topic of Caber. Add in small amount now or wait?

Thanks in advance for any insight.
Five weeks into first run with NPP (or any nandrolone for that matter) and just got the results from my bloodwork taken back on the 19th. My sensitive estradiol came back within range, lowish, at 19.1, but my prolactin came back just outside the high range at 16.4ng/ml. (Range shows 4-15.2 no/ml). Rest of my blood results came back exactly where I’d expect them based on past testing—well other than my RDW which was also just out of range but rest of the CBC is normal.

Currently taking 500mg test cyp, 400mg NPP, 500mg DHB per week, and 80mg daily of Var (Var only the past 3 weeks and next 5 if I don’t reduce or drop it due to extreme pumps). Also 4iu HGH daily and .25mg adex 3x week.

As far as sides, I’ve had slightly less sex drive, some oily skin and little acne at my temples, nothing bad, but noticeable for a guy in his 40’s. Been a little more tired than past cycles, and having huge pumps, nothing that I can’t live with, but the front delt pumps (and jaw muscle at my temples) are downright painful. Noticable gains so far and vascularity increased—more so for 5 weeks than my past cycles.

I have caber on hand which I picked up just in case, but haven’t taken any. Have read what I can find on the debate of E2 vs prolactin re: gyno and potential sides from the caber. Planned to simply have it if needed. Now I’m simply unsure when the “need” is actually present. Everything I’ve found basically talks about dosing when a physical side from high prolactin has completely kicked in—not in relation to blood levels. Would rather not wait till a physical side is in full swing, but not sure if just outside the recommended prolactin range is the right time to start. Admit with it being where it is, my initial thought is to start low dose caber 2x a week (like .25mg) and see how I feel.

Instead of just guessing, figured I would reach out and see what the collective had to share on the topic of Caber. Add in small amount now or wait?

Thanks in advance for any insight.
Control e2 no caber needed.
Five weeks into first run with NPP (or any nandrolone for that matter) and just got the results from my bloodwork taken back on the 19th. My sensitive estradiol came back within range, lowish, at 19.1, but my prolactin came back just outside the high range at 16.4ng/ml. (Range shows 4-15.2 no/ml). Rest of my blood results came back exactly where I’d expect them based on past testing—well other than my RDW which was also just out of range but rest of the CBC is normal.

Instead of just guessing, figured I would reach out and see what the collective had to share on the topic of Caber. Add in small amount now or wait?

Thanks in advance for any insight.

Your Prolactin is barely out of range, and the symptoms you described do not definitely point out Prolactin as the culprit.

I personally would not start throwing more drugs into the mix.

Do not fall victim to treating numbers.
99.99999% of people don't get prolactin gyno or sides . And caber and prami both have negative side effects. If you have no symptoms, and you're keeping your ai in check, roll on . Don't add things because some bro said so, because he read it from another bro. Have it on hand. Pay attention, but don't add it if you don't need to .

There's also evidence that b6 lowers prolactin. How much b6 and how much it lowers it is up to you to research. I'd run b6 long before caber or prami.

Pop a cialis...does your dick get rock hard? Can you bust a nut fucking your girl? You're good.
What are some signs of high Prolactin to look for when running NPP? Was about to start a new thread asking but search showed this one.
What are some signs of high Prolactin to look for when running NPP? Was about to start a new thread asking but search showed this one.

Dont use caber ever ever
People using caber left and right then wondering why they cant get their dick up or have no libido

Check e2 symptoms, check e2 blood levels and forget about prolactine, you need a LOT more than 17ng/mL to have sides

Caber belongs to the trash and needs to be forgoten, the sooner the better
Dont use caber ever ever
People using caber left and right then wondering why they cant get their dick up or have no libido

Check e2 symptoms, check e2 blood levels and forget about prolactine, you need a LOT more than 17ng/mL to have sides

Caber belongs to the trash and needs to be forgoten, the sooner the better

I agree to an extent... There have been a couple people that had high prolactin with normal e2 . I wanna say I've seen it twice . Saw the actual bloods . But I agree with you 110% for the VAST majority of people, myself included... E2 in check, prolactin is fine.
I ended up perfectly fine without caber. Wasn’t really having any sides I could attribute directly to prolactin, but my E2 was low side or normal range.

I will say ai cannot think of another drug that sees such varied advice as caber. Some claims it’s absolute poison, others swear by it. Not many in the middle. I have the same bottle I bought almost two years ago, so not sure if I’ll ever need it. Since I haven’t run tren and only one cycle of NPP, I’m certainly no expert on it. But always interested in what others have experienced.
I agree to an extent... There have been a couple people that had high prolactin with normal e2 . I wanna say I've seen it twice . Saw the actual bloods . But I agree with you 110% for the VAST majority of people, myself included... E2 in check, prolactin is fine.

You ve seen people with over 50ng of prolactine?
I agree to an extent... There have been a couple people that had high prolactin with normal e2 . I wanna say I've seen it twice . Saw the actual bloods . But I agree with you 110% for the VAST majority of people, myself included... E2 in check, prolactin is fine.

What do you call high prolactine ?
What do you call high prolactine ?

Well above "normal" ? Along with gyno symptoms. Don't get all defensive . Read what I said. I said I've seen 2 people in the sea of people that complain about it produce bloodwork with low/normal e2 and high prolactin . For 99.999999999% of people, caber is a waste .
Well above "normal" ? Along with gyno symptoms. Don't get all defensive . Read what I said. I said I've seen 2 people in the sea of people that complain about it produce bloodwork with low/normal e2 and high prolactin . For 99.999999999% of people, caber is a waste .

I m not defensive, i was just asking the numbers; if you can find them that d be awsome
I m not defensive, i was just asking the numbers; if you can find them that d be awsome

One was in the 90s . It's been months. Some dude on a social media page. I thought he was full of shit...he backed it up . Normal range e2, sky high prolactin. Claimed to have gyno. He did produce legit labs .
99.99999% of people don't get prolactin gyno or sides . And caber and prami both have negative side effects. If you have no symptoms, and you're keeping your ai in check, roll on . Don't add things because some bro said so, because he read it from another bro. Have it on hand. Pay attention, but don't add it if you don't need to .

There's also evidence that b6 lowers prolactin. How much b6 and how much it lowers it is up to you to research. I'd run b6 long before caber or prami.

Pop a cialis...does your dick get rock hard? Can you bust a nut fucking your girl? You're good.
What is the culprit if it's hard to bust one? I can do it but I have to work for it. At 36 is it just normal to have more stamina than you'd like?
What is the culprit if it's hard to bust one? I can do it but I have to work for it. At 36 is it just normal to have more stamina than you'd like?
Late into a tren cycle(700mg) I could fuck for an hour before I'd either cum or give up out of breath. My prolactin is always low, even below normal range but everything else was normal.
One was in the 90s . It's been months. Some dude on a social media page. I thought he was full of shit...he backed it up . Normal range e2, sky high prolactin. Claimed to have gyno. He did produce legit labs .

Begs the question if they werent taking anything else as prolactine can be elevated by other drug BBs in some instance

Also just realised i asked twice so youre right it may have come as defensive :D
Begs the question if they werent taking anything else as prolactine can be elevated by other drug BBs in some instance

Also just realised i asked twice so youre right it may have come as defensive :D

No worries man .
It was deca if I remember correctly
What is the culprit if it's hard to bust one? I can do it but I have to work for it. At 36 is it just normal to have more stamina than you'd like?

That's the thing I've had trouble busting on tren with totally normal prolactin and e2 dialed. Its the compound, not prolactin.