QSC trestolone acetate testing


New Member
Tested some QSC trestolone acetate a few months ago; finally getting around to posting them in this forum. Results are good.


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I like the sounds of that. Just sold my daughter to a pimp to get some my self. You saved me from testing. Now just have to wait for the little chinaman to paddle it over here. 4 weeks if he has the wind behind him. Been wanting to try it for ages. But it is so expensive and was attatched to my daughter. Have you used it or just tested it.
How does trestolone feel ? What does it do? Not very familiar about it.
"Extremely anabolic" 19nor that aromatizes to estrogen at a high rate. Supposed to have it's anabolic ratio atleast double tren at a much lower androgenic rating with NO side effects.

Didn't mean to bump thread- was looking for QSC's main testing thread and came across your post. Probably answered by now but in case it's not.
"Extremely anabolic" 19nor that aromatizes to estrogen at a high rate. Supposed to have it's anabolic ratio atleast double tren at a much lower androgenic rating with NO side effects.

Didn't mean to bump thread- was looking for QSC's main testing thread and came across your post. Probably answered by now but in case it's not.
Sounds insane. I appreciate the reply mate.
Grain of salt. Anabolic ratios are kinda BS anyways
Anabolic RATING as in X times stronger than test is not the same as anabolic ratio, which is androgenic rating:anabolic rating.

A substance with higher anabolic rating, is more anabolic. That shouldn't be disputed, its just pretty hard to actually measure in people. We can't say the more androgenic rated substance tested on a rat sex organ is the same in humans or between steroids.

But mg for mg, MENT is about the most anabolic thing you can inject that isn't a methylated oral. It has human clinical data showing it. We have human clinical data showing mg for mg nandrolone is more anabolic than test, primo, mast. The reason it doesn't matter is cos you can take more of other substances and make up for lesser anabolism.
Anabolic RATING as in X times stronger than test is not the same as anabolic ratio, which is androgenic rating:anabolic rating.

A substance with higher anabolic rating, is more anabolic. That shouldn't be disputed, its just pretty hard to actually measure in people. We can't say the more androgenic rated substance tested on a rat sex organ is the same in humans or between steroids.

But mg for mg, MENT is about the most anabolic thing you can inject that isn't a methylated oral. It has human clinical data showing it. We have human clinical data showing mg for mg nandrolone is more anabolic than test, primo, mast. The reason it doesn't matter is cos you can take more of other substances and make up for lesser anabolism.
Tomato tomàto

If tren is 600:600 (I forget what tren is at) and I say it's anabolic ratio is 6x test (test is at 100:100) its understood. No one's looking at that statement with confusion unless they don't know what the A:A ratio is in rye first place.
If ment is 1200:150 (it's not, this is just an example) then it's probably assumed to mean the anabolic portion of the ratio is doubled and the androgenic rating (150 in the fictitious example) is less than 600