Question on "Scar Healing Peptides" after surgery


New Member
So, next march-ish I plan on having loose skin removed. My main concern is moreso the outcome of the scaring on my body and less recovery time, as I will be having 3-4 of them, spread out over 3 months each, so something like 9-12 months of recovery with spurts of gym to "maintain" some semblance of sanity and gains. Doing research so far has lead me to GHK-Cu, HGH, BPC-157, TB-500. Would these actually benefit the outcome of scaring, as in minimize the amount scarred? Has anyone had experience? Also if I'm correct I'd only really need 2-4 IU ED or 4-8 IU EOD correct?

The only other question I have is that, specifically with HGH I believe, it leads to endogenous suppression. Is this anything to worry or will it most likely bounce back, I read that it's about 36-72 hours until it's "normal". I'm 100% natty clean so I have no other things conflicting with it. But my biggest fear, alongside AAS ha ha, is endogenous production never returning to baseline. I'm way to fucking young to deal with that shit. (perhaps also any issues that may happen to me for running a compound for so long)

An earlier thread gave me the reasoning for each of these, just trying to confirm and learn more for myself!
So, next march-ish I plan on having loose skin removed. My main concern is moreso the outcome of the scaring on my body and less recovery time, as I will be having 3-4 of them, spread out over 3 months each, so something like 9-12 months of recovery with spurts of gym to "maintain" some semblance of sanity and gains. Doing research so far has lead me to GHK-Cu, HGH, BPC-157, TB-500. Would these actually benefit the outcome of scaring, as in minimize the amount scarred? Has anyone had experience? Also if I'm correct I'd only really need 2-4 IU ED or 4-8 IU EOD correct?

The only other question I have is that, specifically with HGH I believe, it leads to endogenous suppression. Is this anything to worry or will it most likely bounce back, I read that it's about 36-72 hours until it's "normal". I'm 100% natty clean so I have no other things conflicting with it. But my biggest fear, alongside AAS ha ha, is endogenous production never returning to baseline. I'm way to fucking young to deal with that shit. (perhaps also any issues that may happen to me for running a compound for so long)

An earlier thread gave me the reasoning for each of these, just trying to confirm and learn more for myself!
I don't know about peptides but vitamin E oil def helps and is cheap.
It all depends on the procedure and the aptitude of the doctor performing the surgery. You should heal fine with no peptides if the doctor is competent, or should provide a disclaimer of the probability of scar formation. This is most important.

Now for the prevention part, to answer your question, if a scar is formed as a result, depending on the severity, you can microneedle and apply topicals + peptides (i recommend hgh since ive done it). Now how far can you take the microneedling+topicals+peptides protocol to make the scar 99.998% invisible? Thats a tough one to answer.

Or you can see a dermatologist and ask what they can recommend as a measure to treat the scaring.

The formation of scars are because of a incision formed deep enough in the skin layers which creates fibrosis of bad healing (uneven skin at the wounded area).

So you really need a competent doctor.
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I don't know about peptides but vitamin E oil def helps and is cheap.
I'll take a look at it thanks

It all depends on the procedure and the aptitude of the doctor performing the surgery. You should heal fine with no peptides if the doctor is competent, or should provide a disclaimer of the probability of scar formation. This is most important.

Now for the prevention part, to answer your question, if a scar is formed as a result, depending on the severity, you can microneedle and apply topicals + peptides (i recommend hgh since ive done it). Now how far can you take the microneedling+topicals+peptides protocol to make the scar 99.998% invisible? Thats a tough one to answer.

Or you can see a dermatologist and ask what they can recommend as a measure to treat the scaring.

The formation of scars are because of a incision formed deep enough in the skin layers which creates the fibrosis of bad healing.

So you really need a competent doctor bro.
So the surgery will 100% end up with scaring, with the amount of skin being removed + the general way the procedure happens it is bound to be so. I read up a little on microneedling, the issue I saw, via a 1 page google search not going to lie, was it only worked on depressed scaring (think acne), however this surgery seems to leave raised scars. I'd still be interested if that is not the case.

But yeah in general the skin removal surgery has not yet not led to scaring, all of them are pretty wicked too if you just goolge "Loose Skin Surgery before and after" granted it fades after a while but eh. I suppose I should ask a dermatologist as well, that is a good idea.

I just assumed there was something that maybe could help with it, perhaps I'm not 100% correct.
The microneedling creates collagen. Same methodology as working out, Tearing muscle fibers, a chemical reaction, igf and new collagen forming. Since microneedle provides a controlled , symmetric wound, wrinkles+pores+scares will smooth out. The HGH only will help with the accelereted recovery. instead of a week or two of it being red and peeling, 5 days max, and repeat. the topicals will only provide a better skin texture as it waters the new collagen. Depth is key too.

Im not sure about depressed scaring and those differences between pores,acne and wrinkles, and the severity of scares.

I can assure you that it is efficaious to a certain extent. It will improve the skin texture, but to what visibility.

It took many many treatments for me to finally say wow the wrinkles are gone. But each treatment was noticeable in a better skin texture.

So, to what degree will your scars be? and how long (time) are you willing to experiment to see results? A dermatolgist will provide you with something similar and many many treatments too.

Google will also say "dont add topicals for 'x' time after microneedling" .. as soon as the needle enters and exits within seconds is the best time to apply a topical. reasoning for this? it can prolong the healing process. but if you are on hgh , even more the reason. you want to water the soil as deep down as you can.
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I see. So there doesn't even seem to be an ability for the peptides if I don't really care about "time" per say? That is, following the actual surgery. The scaring minimization is simply not possible until it's all said and done?
Correct. skin scars are formed as children, and we heal at such a rapid pace then, bones, etcetc.. no peptide will prevent scars, only accelerate the healing process for the scar to be formed and take action after. You can do it as an experiment, raise your igf levels before surgery and buy hylaronic acid 1&2 and apply in those areas before and after just to see.

You could possibly minimize the degree of scaring, continue the process. microneedling is the answer to smooth out the scaring after.
Shame, was hoping there was a minimizer of sorts... Oh Well. I suppose I can look into the idea of the igf and the acid. You mean using that as the minimizing of scaring? Or using the peptide to minimize it? Cause I understand I can't "remove" a scar, but I wish to just minimize it as much as possible is all. Sorry I didn't particularly understand the last post.
The peptide will accelerate healing.
The topicals help with elasticity+texture.
The microneeding will help with collagen formation.

A scar will form as you said, so you cant prevent it. It can only be minimized. So, to minimize will be to wait for the scar to be formed and take action with the steps above. Because thats just how it works.

Look into the vitamin e too. anti-oxidants.

To speculate since i dont see any studies specifically about this, would be an experiment to minimize before the scar occurs , and it would be to raise igf levels and start applying this topicals in the area where the scars will be formed.

ALSO, to note, this will run the bank. Its expensive but once done, its there for life, just use sun screen.

Theres plasma rich platelets treatments too. Stem cells if you go outside the USA. But what are the differences? Time, cost, and bones.
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Thank you very much for the info. I see how it all works now. Pep = Heal, Top = Texture, Micro = Collagen, also will be looking into vitamin E sups and seeing if I get enough anti-oxidents in my diet! (I eat like 2 servings of blue berries a day already)

Yeah this seems to be a huge bank roll ha ha. I may have to put the full healing protocol down the road further than I thought. I figure since I have to get another surgery 3 months after the next, there may simply be no need to recovery faster. Save the money for the minimizing you know? Thanks again
epidermal growth factor, ghk, snap-8 maybe... tretenoin is prob better tho, plenty of better things that aren't peptides. think ull get best results if talk to a dermatologist or go to a dermatology forum, they will have far more knowledge and experience. most of those u listed won't help skin and the one that might can actually make skin worse( GHK as sort of creates a scar tissue, folks even note this when injected repeatedly will get "lumps" of scar tissue)... ladys have creams on lock, best to look there.

use sunscreen..
Thank you very much for the info. I see how it all works now. Pep = Heal, Top = Texture, Micro = Collagen, also will be looking into vitamin E sups and seeing if I get enough anti-oxidents in my diet! (I eat like 2 servings of blue berries a day already)

Yeah this seems to be a huge bank roll ha ha. I may have to put the full healing protocol down the road further than I thought. I figure since I have to get another surgery 3 months after the next, there may simply be no need to recovery faster. Save the money for the minimizing you know? Thanks again
Tretionin .025% etcetc is what i used and still use. Highly recommended. Also hyaluronic acid 1&2, which just hydrates. I use both in combination with microneedling. Ill just leave the peptide (hgh) out of the convo since we get the idea it just helps the healing process.

But to categorize what you should be looking for are topical anti-oxidants (retinol which is a form of vit a, vit c, vit b, etcetc). Now we getting into skin care haha

Some products/brands are decent price. Others are really expensive, i like those.
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on a side note, hgh may not be best to take after surgery.. this is just a feeling, but making your blood sugar worse prob isn't a good thing for healing.

just tell your Dr ur concerned about scaring, sounds like a cosmetic surgeon so they should know far more than anyone about how to get the least amount of scaring. may want to target other parts of your body if working out as pulling wounds will create more scaring.

congrats on loosing so much weight! just do what Dr says for scars and ask your pharmacist too, sometimes have some special mixtures or ideas about what would help. def take crap tonne of omegas, imagine collagen and a quality protein wouldn't hurt and a multi and probiotics to help with infections and offset the damage caused by antibiotics.
Will do guys, thankfully I didn't go out and buy some of this stuff ha ha. Yeah I agree, the hgh with insulin (I think thats how it works?) may not be a good idea for a sedentary person healing from a scar. Much different than an athlete and performing in 5 days... I will for sure attempt everything to minimize the stuff. But hey, at least this fucking skin is going to be gone right? My chest looks amazing with a towel on until I lower it ha ha... to bad I'll deflate while being bedbound but fuck it, was getting bored plateauing anyways! Get to start from 0.
I would look into Pracasil Plus or a silcone based topical cream, applied multiple times a day right after surgery. You may also want to look into Tranilast, Collagenase, Vitamin E, Levocetirizine, Mometasone, Ghk-CU, Tretinoin. Compounding pharmacies typical use the Pracasil as a base and can add more of the above.

I suppose it could be argued HGH could make the scarring worse due to potential increases of collagen fibroblasts and/or release of TGF-beta 1 from keloid fibroblasts. But if using Pracasil with Tranilast topically, it may prevent that and you'd still get all the benefits of HGH and the healing. HGH also increases collagen and beneficial growth factors.

If it were me, I would get a compounded cream with as many of the above as possible (but at least the Pracasil and Tranilast). I would probably experiment with HGH a while before and after.
So, next march-ish I plan on having loose skin removed. My main concern is moreso the outcome of the scaring on my body and less recovery time, as I will be having 3-4 of them, spread out over 3 months each, so something like 9-12 months of recovery with spurts of gym to "maintain" some semblance of sanity and gains. Doing research so far has lead me to GHK-Cu, HGH, BPC-157, TB-500. Would these actually benefit the outcome of scaring, as in minimize the amount scarred? Has anyone had experience? Also if I'm correct I'd only really need 2-4 IU ED or 4-8 IU EOD correct?

The only other question I have is that, specifically with HGH I believe, it leads to endogenous suppression. Is this anything to worry or will it most likely bounce back, I read that it's about 36-72 hours until it's "normal". I'm 100% natty clean so I have no other things conflicting with it. But my biggest fear, alongside AAS ha ha, is endogenous production never returning to baseline. I'm way to fucking young to deal with that shit. (perhaps also any issues that may happen to me for running a compound for so long)

An earlier thread gave me the reasoning for each of these, just trying to confirm and learn more for myself!
I'll have surgery next month. I have the same questions. Which will be best for healing scars?
How badly you scar has a lot to do with your genetics and skin type. If you’ve had other significant injuries think about how that healed and looked. I am fair skinned and major scars I’ve had are extremely raised and takes years to start to even out and color to start to blend. Protocols like topicals and micro needling will definitely help.