Question PIP


New Member
So just pinned my delt with 0.5mL from a new Test E vial from a new source

4 days later and some moderate PIP around the injection site when pressing in it along with noticeable warmth in the same area compared to my other delt. Doesn’t feel watery and no visible discoloration at all. Full range of motion in arm with no pain when moving or rotating. Seems to respond to advil and no fever or general sick feeling either.

I have been pinning a few yrs now and have had episodes of pip before but this is a little bit long for me and don’t recall the warmth around the injection site in the past.

Only other note is been pinning MCT based gear for a year or so and this is first time back to GSO so don’t know if it’s oil related. Had no major problem with GSO in past

Kinda concerned might be infection but I guess not enough to see the doctor yet…any thoughts on this or how long I should wait? Thanks
So just pinned my delt with 0.5mL from a new Test E vial from a new source

4 days later and some moderate PIP around the injection site when pressing in it along with noticeable warmth in the same area compared to my other delt. Doesn’t feel watery and no visible discoloration at all. Full range of motion in arm with no pain when moving or rotating. Seems to respond to advil and no fever or general sick feeling either.

I have been pinning a few yrs now and have had episodes of pip before but this is a little bit long for me and don’t recall the warmth around the injection site in the past.

Only other note is been pinning MCT based gear for a year or so and this is first time back to GSO so don’t know if it’s oil related. Had no major problem with GSO in past

Kinda concerned might be infection but I guess not enough to see the doctor yet…any thoughts on this or how long I should wait? Thanks
Give it more time. Could just be inflammation, bad pin, gso reaction. I've had tons of injections just like yours that cleared up with time.