yea, I wasn't sure myself, except that I have low t. My last blood test just 3 weeks prior to my unscientific experiment showed that my natural test level was only 197 total testosterone. If I had no issues with low t, I wonder if that blood panel would be closer to 3000. Plus my m.d. is prescribing a once a month injection of 200 mg of testosterone cyp, i.e. average of only 50 mg a month. The absolute worst possible method for TRT. With a half-life of what, 7-8 days, that would mean that I'll always be in a deficit after only one week. These doctors don't seem to know the proper way of dosing TRT patients. With a 197 total, I would think they would dose someone like me with at least 150 mg/week taken in 2-3 shots/week of either 75 mg injected 2x weekly, or 50 mg 3x per week.
I think I might not continue with that ridiculous schedule and just do a blast/cruise method, have all my bloods done privately. This way I can up the dose and add some other gear so that I can put on some muscle. Maybe dosing 400 mg test/week along with 400 mg of deca for 7-8 weeks, then do a cutting cycle for 7-8 weeks with Masteron or primo. And finally going back to cruise mode with 200 mg/week of test. This way I wouldn't need to do a PCT because I'm always on, right?
I have run 5-6 cycles before but that's been approx 15 years ago, so I'm really a bit of a newbie. If you can think of anything I left out, possibly a truncated PCT or using an AI along the way, especially when I'm blasting please let me know. Back in the day, when I first ran a cycle, my then powerlifting coach never even mentioned using PCT. Fortunately I only ran a few cycles before starting TRT just recently.
Please, if there is anything you know I may be leaving out of the mix, or how you might change it up for a healthier life, let me know. Because I do plan on blasting maybe 2 times/year so I want to be as safe and efficient as possible.