Quick few questions about test cycle


New Member
So I’ve been doing some research over stuff and i’ve been thinking that I would do test for 12-16 weeks. However I can’t decide between Test E and Test Cyp. I’ve heard Test E causes pip for most people who use it but a lot of people still recommend it. I want to avoid pip so would Test Cyp be better? Also would it be beneficial to do 250 mg for four weeks and then up the dose to 500 mg or just stick to 250 mg for the entire cycle? This would be my first AAS cycle so I don’t want to overdo it. What would you recommend as a first cycle regarding dosage and length of cycle?

Side note: not sure if i am allowed to mention this but i was planning on using QSC for the Test.
Also would it be beneficial to do 250 mg for four weeks and then up the dose to 500 mg or just stick to 250 mg for the entire cycle?
Start at 500, stay at 500. Eat a lot. Enjoy your results.

Test e and c are functionally interchangeable. I prefer C because I’ve never had pip issues with it and the stories about E over the years have been enough to make me believe there’s no reason to switch.
Start at 500, stay at 500. Eat a lot. Enjoy your results.

Test e and c are functionally interchangeable. I prefer C because I’ve never had pip issues with it and the stories about E over the years have been enough to make me believe there’s no reason to switch.
Okay great also would 16 weeks be the optimal length of a cycle? And for a pct, i have nolva and enclo, could i just use enclo at 12.5 mg for 4 weeks instead of 10/10/5/5 nolva?
i only use clomid and ais for pct but ive only done two cycles, i seem to come back fine and keep 75% of the strength and size i gained. ive got a fear of nolva cuz of a friend and some stuff ive read. clomid has given me nasty eye floaters tho but i dontr eally care and with enclo you wont have that problem it removes the part of clomid that does that
Okay great also would 16 weeks be the optimal length of a cycle? And for a pct, i have nolva and enclo, could i just use enclo at 12.5 mg for 4 weeks instead of 10/10/5/5 nolva?
16 weeks is a great length. Enclomiphene is a good choice, but you don’t need to combine it with nolva. You can just use one, though I would extend the length of PCT to six weeks rather than four.
i only use clomid and ais for pct but ive only done two cycles, i seem to come back fine and keep 75% of the strength and size i gained. ive got a fear of nolva cuz of a friend and some stuff ive read. clomid has given me nasty eye floaters tho but i dontr eally care and with enclo you wont have that problem it removes the part of clomid that does that
Yeah i prefer enclo because i’ve used it twice now and never had any sides with it. I just have nolva for any gyno flair up and i have arimidex for ai. Since you’ve done two cycles, did you use 1/2 or 1 in for IM? I want to do it in the upper quad