Quick rundown


Starting pct here in 2 weeks after a 500 mg/wk test e cycle for 12 weeks (already been off for a week).
Planning on just doing
Clomid 100/100/50/50 (30 days)
Nolvadex: 20/20/20/20/20 (40 days)
I had aromisin on hand from a research chem lab, it was working, did great for my nipples when they started to flare up, but I tried to microwave it to get the powder redissovled and it turned to a jelly, when I reheat it, it turns into liquid again... but I think it is bunk now because it isn't doing shit for my nipples. Now I have 50 total nolvadex on hand, I was thinking of running 10 days of it 4 days to deal with my nipples, is this a good idea or should I just wait. I've got 14 days until I start pct...