Restart Log after YEARS of stupidity and misuse of anabolic steroids


New Member
I posted a earlier thread asking for help with potentially restarting my HPTA after years of legitimate uneducated and unreasearched steroid abuse. My current state is horrible, my skin is dry and constantly flaking all over my face and head; my hair is falling out and getting thinner by the day and my quality of life for the last 8-10 months is so low I dont even know what I am living for. That is just a quick run down at where I am today January 19th/2015.

I am mainly doing this because I hope to bring attention and awareness to those who are about to embark on steroids or any young guys thinking they want to do them so they either reconsider their decision or atleast take the proper measures to do them properly, effectively and safely. I probably began doing steroids when I was 20. I never knew anything about them other then what "my friend" told me to do with them after I purchased them off of him. Looking back on my experiences from when I was 20 up until today when I am currently 26 years of age, I can def say Ive had low t and andropause more then once throughout the 5-6 years I did them.

I have had no luck finding a doctor locally who understands steroids and the extent of true steroid abuse or who is knowledgeable enough to potentially help me fix my system. My family doctor basically treats me like a drug addict (which is fair I can honestly say the amount of things I did and how much I was doing them, I was def addicted to steroids and the physical enhancements I constantly felt) therefore making it hard to come to some sort of treatment plan in order to get me back to normal and he says no endocrinologist would have a solution to my issue, My family doctor said there was nothing they could do for me, and that I would have to just continue, wait and see if my body bounces back; my daily life is horrible & hard to sometimes even go out in public with all the symptoms I am CONSTANTLY having to deal with aswell as the fact I am not growing like a normal man should be (no energy, depression, lethargy, weakness, gyno, unable to sleep, unable to concentrate, gained about 30 pounds of fat, constantly dryness of skin all over my face and now in my scalp (claims it seborrhea dermatitis) hair thinning and falling out.)

I had probably been doing steroids for around 30 months without any true knowledge of them the main things I did was Test Prop , Masteron prop , Anavar, Winstrol, Clenbutrol and 12 months of HGH aswell as 3 months of IGF-1. my main source I trusted so much and financially smart on his part due to my consistency in regards to feeding his pockets with my money he told me I could basically just keep juicing without need pct, aslong as I stayed on the stuff and took this liquid armidex he gave me.

Now I had also been competitively running and kickboxing; infact I had gotten to the point where I had a few good opportunities if I wanted to move to the USA. Now clearly I knew I had a problem due to the whole steroids thing, I went to my doctor in January of 2014 I had this fucking ultimate warrior looking rash on my face, and I was sick of it tried everything to get rid of it and he told me it was dermatitis. I told him hey this is what I have been doing (PED related), I dont want to do them anymore, Im afraid I might have low t etc. My doctor simply looked at me and said "you dont have low t" didnt do any blood test look at anything, just basically told me I was fine, my face was from dermatitis, and I would be fine regardless of the steroids aslong as I stopped doing them.

Now for the next 8-9 months my life turned into hell, I lost alot of muscle but I didn't really think anything of it due to the fact I was trying to get leaner for running competitively and going into a lower weight class for kickboxing, my diet was pristine. I lost roughly 15-20 pounds in 1 1/2 - 3 months, I began walking around at 150 I used to walk around at 168.8-172 also I went from a 32 to 30 waist. I didnt think anything of it other then I was getting better athletically (began placing 1-4th in 10k races I could run a 10k in 31 minutes, my faster km was 3:15 seconds , could easily make 135 pounds for kickboxing) and I thought i was "fine" because my doctor had told me so and I had been a physical specimen for the last 2 1/2 years like I was a fucking machine even after I had lost the weight. anyways probably around end of july things took a turn for the worst mentally and all else, I began basically feeling extremely weak and uninterested in any type of athletics and andropause needless to say fucked me up.

I didnt even think of low t because I was told I would be fine by my doctor etc etc, so I just kept trying to ride out what I thought was just depression because of where I was at in my life with current events (friends death etc) but I began getting super weak and lethargic, didnt wanna go anywhere or do anything and I couldnt mentally process things or properly word anything, I basically felt braindead. I ended up going to a walk in clinic and saying I think I have low t after months upon months of hell.

On September 17th 2014 I got the following labs;

TSH = 2.0 mU/L (0.27-4.2 mU/L)
FSH = 11.5 IU/L (<10.0 IU/L)
LH = 3.9 IU/L (<10.0 IU/L)
Prolactin = 8.6 (<15 ug/L)
PSA = 0.83 (<2.5 ug/L)
Estradiol = 100 (<150 pmol/L)
Testerosterone = 4.6 nmol/L (8.4-28.8 nmol/L)
SHBG = 16 nmol (10.0-70.0 nmol/L)

Then at the end of September the doctor put me on 20mg Novaldex and 200mg Test Cypionate every 14 days. I did the Test cypionate probably only 2-3 shots, I just was so turned off of steroids and what they had done to me I just couldn't stand putting them into myself I felt that absolute shit and had to leave the job I was working because I couldn't get myself out of bed, I was so depressed and had such bag brain fog I couldn't even concentrate on anything work related.
I got more blood work done towards the end of October.

October 20th 2014, Theese are my labs.

FSH = 1.3IU/L (<10.0 IU/L)
LH = <1.0 (10.0 IU/L)
Testosterone = 12.3 (8.4-28.8 nmol/L)

After seeing these results, I became hopeless and didnt want to inject anymore testosterone; I basically became bed ridden had no energy for anything didnt want anyone to see me didnt go anywhere couldnt do anything fucking ate absolute garbage, didnt work out and i gained like 34 pounds, it got to the point where I honestly felt life would be better if I killed myself. I stayed like this from end of October to beginning of december.

I got these blood tests done on November 25th 2014;
FSH = 9.8 (<10.0 IU/L)
LH = 3.8 (<10.0 IU/L)
Testosterone = 11.4 (8.4-28.8 nmol/L)

Now, after my doctor tried to tell me everything symptom wise even the EXTREME flaking of skin on my face, (I literally looked like the fucking ultimate warriors face paint was permanently etched into my face lol) I had been dealing with for the last 8-10 months had all been "in my head" and push anti depressants onto me I basically first off got extremely upset and pissed off, and second off clearly said fuck it and I made a stupid choice I got testosterone from a buddy & did test propionate at 150 mg every other day from December up until end of December

I got more labs;
Test was >52.0 /// (8.4-28.8 nmol/L)
Estriadol - 183 /// <150

After I got these bloods back, I stopped taking the test. However I will say my face began to fix itself when I was doing the test and that I felt hundred times more ready to try and fix the mess I had gotten in and get back to my athletics and such. Now that was great momentary until I wasnt loosing weight and had to keep shooting myself. I also got these back and was just so displeased with myself, due to the high test and estrogen and just sick of doing steroid. Now without taking the test shots, my skins fucked up its so terrible my hairs back to falling out and thinning, gaining weight again & being depressed. I want to atleast be somewhat normal and functional, and I know these symptoms are also destroying my life, so ive decided to give the power pct protocol a shot.

I finally was able to get enough money for the pct protocol I have read up on alot on them & I just think Id rather take a shot at this then continuing to do steroids or testosterone.

Days 1-16 HCG 2500Iu EOD
Days 1-30 Clomid 100mg ED
Days 1-45 nolva 20mg ED

Ill keep everyone posted and I would like anyone to feel free to direct anyone they know who is considering getting involved with steroids, or is doing them and to urge them to read my story and the importance to proper and careful use. Theres not much good in my situation for myself, but I feel like if I could do something positive with this fucked up negative I created, then atleast theres something good of it.
I think anyone can benefit from reading your story. I can tell you that as I'm finishing up college I know the pressure to use steroids even for kids as young as finishing high school is tempting. I hope young ones will read this and other stories like this. Anyways with the whole "better off not being here" part if that ever comes around again I know i'm a complete stranger and new here but I'll listen and this place is great so I'm sure you can always come talk about it. Good luck with trying to fix the issues and i'll be hoping for updates!
Good post. Obviously, you recognize some mistakes you have made. Others will be able to help you more on the HPTA restart than me but my guess is as young as you are there is a pretty good chance with the proper protocol you will have success.

Two suggestions. One find a good dermatologist. Regular doctors don't have the knowledge to deal with skin issues. A good dermatologist will get you some medication which you will take on a temporary basis and will get you cleared up. I've had psoriasis since I was a small child over 40 years ago. I have had a great dermatologist for the last 6 years, after some experimenting she came up with a medication combination that worked and completely cleared me up. I'm using less medication now than I have in many, many years and my skin is clearer.

You should also find a good psychiatrist. You have some depression issues that need to be dealt with. Many many people have abused their bodies much worse than you have and have come back to be very strong physically and mentally and lead productive and happy lives.

Keep your head up.
Well, first of all i want to say i sincerely hope you are successful with the power pct you are gonna run.
Also i want to tell you to hang in there brother i know sometimes things seem hopeless but i promise you once you get your body working again, you will look back on those dark days and hopeless feelings and b glad you carried on.
Shit man your only 26 youve got alot of life left to live its just rt now with your hormones out of whack your brain is fucking with you , just know that it WILL pass i know cause ive been there done that even got the t-shirt.
Also i'd like to say its very considerate of you to post, i think it should b required reading for all the16-20 year olds that come on here insisting they have trained as hard as they could natty and think its a good idea to start aas.
They come hear looking for advice and much to the credit of meso vets they always discourage them, but i think your story would have a much better impact.
Anyway brother stay strong and i wish you a speedy recovery; and let us know how things go i think it could help alot of people in the same situation.

Thank you for sharing your story with everyone! Hopefully it will be put to good use by those who are thinking about using gear but don't have sufficient knowledge to do it safely.

I can empathize with your feelings of not wanting to be alive anymore, as in my younger days I had the same feelings when I struggled with severe depression. Since building my physique, those days are gone... But I can empathize completely. Just keep your head up and look at the brighter side of things, even if you can't clearly see any at the moment. You can fix this mess, and you still have a future, even if it doesn't seem like it at this point.

We're here for your support, brother. We're all in this game together, and we need to stick together rather than tearing each other apart.

Your PCT/HPTA Restart looks pretty good, perhaps someone else will chime in. I've PCT'd with a higher dose of nolva to start out with, but somebody more experienced can offer more input than I can.

The best thing I can offer is support and a message that things can and will get better if you put in the effort. Nothing will change if you're unwilling to make some change, however. Look to the brighter side of things, and don't dwell on your current issues as it will only make things worse.

Keep your head up, soldier.
Hey guys, I just wanna say thanks for all the words of encouragement and support. I got labs done yesterday before starting the pct unfortunately I don't have testosterone or estridol results but my LH FSH were both just under 10.0; it seems I am primary hypogonadism I am thinking, I guess what I am asking, can anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism be primary if so, what do you guys think am I primary / if I am is there any point to doing the pct?
Hey guys, I just wanna say thanks for all the words of encouragement and support. I got labs done yesterday before starting the pct unfortunately I don't have testosterone or estridol results but my LH FSH were both just under 10.0; it seems I am primary hypogonadism I am thinking, I guess what I am asking, can anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism be primary if so, what do you guys think am I primary / if I am is there any point to doing the pct?
I would say yes do the pct.
If i were you id try to get doc Scally to help u out as this is his expertise; my numbers were much lower than yours and he gave me a power pct program to run which im in the process of rt now and i gotta say i feel great and ive gained 12 of the 18 pounds i lost back and mentally im really feeling great as well.
I know everybody reacts different but hell id give it a try if i was u!!

Good luck bro and never give up[emoji4]
Thanks guys, I just want my body to function & grow like it should normally I just hope I haven't destroyed that from the abuse I did on my system.

Day 1 was on Tuesday & I'm on day 2 so far. Yesterday was alright, def feeling the low t or lack of test in me for sure. Super tired with a headache and brain fog aswell as irritability. But I'm hoping everything kicks my body into production, still kinda concerned about the high lh & fsh. Also should I add arimidex into this pct aswell? Thanks everyone!
Can someone give me some insight, my friend told me TO NOT take clomid or novaldex when I'm doing the hcg part of the pct.
Days 1-16 hcg 2500Iu EOD
Days 1-30 clomid 100mg ED
Days 1-45 nolva 20mg ED

That is my pct, can someone please give me some advice / insight
I'm on day 3 now but I've stopped using any clomid or novaldex while I am doing the first 1-16 days of hcg, due to my friend telling me it will have a negative impact on the hcg. To be honest,
I feel kind of hopeless in regards to I am afraid this pct won't work or it won't get my body functioning mildly normally. It sucks feeling like this is what I have to live with for the rest of my life, it doesn't make the future enticing. I really hope nobody else makes the mistakes I have or allows one of their friends to, my point for sharing my story isn't for sympathy or anything. It's for firstly awareness and secondly any help/guidance I can receive from the community on here. I'm debating on going to a dermatologist due to the facial dryness and flaking makes me not even want to go outside or been seen due to the fact it looks like I have a disease on my face.
Keep pushing through it......there is light at the end of the tunnel. Mater Powers said it best get some mental sort of mental support your brain is going to screw with you during this period. At the very least someone to listen.
Stay strong brother, you dont need a dermatologist because your issue is due to low t. I wouldnt use arimidex since you have no testosterone to aromatize. if you do you will likely crash your estro levels, causing more harm than good. Go outside breathe some fresh air and follow your pct. Try to get your mind to stop obsessing about all these issues. Sometimes wondering if your levels are better give you hope and can help change your mindset. We are here for you.
Days 1-16 hcg 2500Iu EOD
Days 1-30 clomid 100mg ED
Days 1-45 nolva 20mg ED

^^^^ Thats a good restart protocol you have there , Ive seen it work in others trying to give up the TRT . Stay at it and have confidence it will work . It will work....~Ogh
Can someone give me some insight, my friend told me TO NOT take clomid or novaldex when I'm doing the hcg part of the pct.
Days 1-16 hcg 2500Iu EOD
Days 1-30 clomid 100mg ED
Days 1-45 nolva 20mg ED

That is my pct, can someone please give me some advice / insight

Why are you listening to your friend, the power pct is not a traditional pct, its a restart pct. Follow the power pct as Dr. Sacally indicates, hes a doctor, is your friend?
Why are you listening to your friend, the power pct is not a traditional pct, its a restart pct. Follow the power pct as Dr. Sacally indicates, hes a doctor, is your friend?

Im just trying to take as much advice as i can get about this. My friend restarted his hpta but he said he didnt do the clomid or novaldex during the hcg; and reading through scallys Im unsure weather he recommends doing the hcg with the clomid or novaldex; or if its just hcg alone then after the 16 days you start the clomid and novaldex after youre done the hcg. sorry for the spelling just heading out the door to get a blood test done and hopefully get a bit of help from my doctor.

also can can anyone recommend what testing i should be getting done to check my kidney function, my liver function and my adrenal gland function. I havent had these looked at yet and my Dr is not much help he wants to do the wait and see if my body works without any help protocol witch is infuriarating, he didnt even approve of the scally pct and said if I was gonna do it Id have to buy all the stuff from the street he only supports waiting and letting my body recalibrate itself..
Hey so I'm currently in the hcg process of the pct & I got blood work done yesterday (8 days in) and it said that my fsh lh were 18.0 flagged abnormal and same with my tsh was 5.6

These are all canadian values***