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Ramstein II

New Member
Last Test Cyp shot was 3.5 weeks ago. I ran HCG for 13 days at 500 IU for 5 days 700 IU for 2 days and then 500 IU for 3 days and then 300 IU, 200 IU and 100 IU. Balls were probably 80% full. I'm running Nolva at 20 mg a day. Now my balls have fallen back in size and are about 50-65% normal. Should I hit them with 300 IU HCG two days on week 4 or let them recover? I don't want to delay recovery by further HTPA shut down, but don't want to crash either. Any advice is appreciated.
Ramstein II said:
Last Test Cyp shot was 3.5 weeks ago. I ran HCG for 13 days at 500 IU for 5 days 700 IU for 2 days and then 500 IU for 3 days and then 300 IU, 200 IU and 100 IU. Balls were probably 80% full. I'm running Nolva at 20 mg a day. Now my balls have fallen back in size and are about 50-65% normal. Should I hit them with 300 IU HCG two days on week 4 or let them recover? I don't want to delay recovery by further HTPA shut down, but don't want to crash either. Any advice is appreciated.

HCG will supress your HPTA more. You could try either adding clomid as mentioned above, or up your novla to 40mg / day for a few weeks.
I'm seeing a new Dr. tomorrow. I'll see about Clomid. Nolva is supposed to be as effective with fewer sides. I actually had sex dreams and errections last night and have had a pretty strong libido today. So, that's a good sign. I'll get blood drawn probably this week or next to see where I am. I'm just not liking the balls shrinking down after HCG. I'm going to lay off the HCG as I predict that my LH levels are probably normal or over normal right now based on research I've seen. I think I need to just keep pushing forward. I'll post my results.
Ramstein II said:
Last Test Cyp shot was 3.5 weeks ago. I ran HCG for 13 days at 500 IU for 5 days 700 IU for 2 days and then 500 IU for 3 days and then 300 IU, 200 IU and 100 IU. Balls were probably 80% full. I'm running Nolva at 20 mg a day. Now my balls have fallen back in size and are about 50-65% normal. Should I hit them with 300 IU HCG two days on week 4 or let them recover? I don't want to delay recovery by further HTPA shut down, but don't want to crash either. Any advice is appreciated.
NO goddamnit! a little bit of fall back is perfectly normal and is very helpful if you are not an impetuous bastard. The next time your balls hit 100% it will be time for you to begin your taper off. I fall back like that everytime and it only lasts a coulple weeks.

Only check your testicular size first thing in the morning as it will vary throughout the day, but it is at its max in the morning....
OK, OK. I'm freakin obsessed with this. It's my first time with AAS. It's a little scary. Van, thank you for the reply. That's what I was looking for, actually. Van, I know you're scientific about this. How long does it take you to get back to your pre-cycle levels?

I'm curious what my levels are. I'll just feel much better (mentally) when I get the blood work back that says I'm back to normal. I hate waiting! But, so far no problems. So, I can't complain.
Ramstein II said:
OK, OK. I'm freakin obsessed with this. It's my first time with AAS. It's a little scary. Van, thank you for the reply. That's what I was looking for, actually. Van, I know you're scientific about this. How long does it take you to get back to your pre-cycle levels?

I'm curious what my levels are. I'll just feel much better (mentally) when I get the blood work back that says I'm back to normal. I hate waiting! But, so far no problems. So, I can't complain.

I like to think of it as an inverted bell curve.
At the end of your HCG your test levels are pretty high; mine were at nearly 600ng/dl. Then you drop off into what I call the lull. The lull is the span of time that it takes for you LH levels to pick up and to replenish the T levels that have dropped off since the last time the testes produced any. I spent about 2 weeks in the lull this last time. from the back half, levels will pick up slowly at first and then very quickly.
You should be nearly back to normal by the end of four weeks and completely back to normal by around six weeks. Of course there is always a variance depending on person, length of cycle, age, etc. But these are the figures that I have observed to be the case with myself and most of my lifing friends.
Once your testes are back to normal (in the morning remember) then you can start to taper off. This is important so as not to cause a stall due to estrogen shock and because estrogen can sometimes be high a little longer than expected thanks to the unwanted effects of HCG. This last go around, my estrogen was still over the top of the scale four weeks out from HCG... I've decided to stay at 20mg Ed through 8 weeks(my next test) just to see the difference it can make with T and E levels before I begin my taper.

PS your just like my sex-a-holic friend :rolleyes: I have to yell at him too just to make sure he doesn't do something dumb and fuck up a perfectly good pct. :rolleyes: You guys need to get an evening hobby!
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