running tren ace atm, need advice on good ptc!!


New Member
Whats the best pct and most effective way to do it. Looking for advice from everyones different views. Thanks
So you want a hand out?

You would get a better response if you actually posted a PCT for yourself, and than people would be willing to help...
Damn.... okay? You took the time to say all that but cant help. Shit makes no sense bro

What he is trying to say is that we spend alot of time, some even years doing research and everything so we know what we do. And then you come along and just want a free and out?

But never the less. Post your cycle and we ll see. Besides you really should have pct planned and ready before even starting
Honestly I have no problems with erections at all.. only been on it for two weeks. Im new to this. Im not gonna lie... I read alot and I saw alot say they ran it alone, and alot say they stacked it. I defiantly don't know as much as yall apparently thats why im asking. Knowledge is something to be spread, im not looking for hand outs. We all learn by asking questions. No one knows everything when they start something new. I'd apperciate any help.
Well first if i was You i would get my hands on some test and hcg.
If your two weeks what is your plan? How Long do You Want to run This?
Im doing tren ace 400mg EW EOD I can get test if needed. Im just reading yalls comments and other blogs looking for real advice.
Im doing tren ace 400mg EW EOD I can get test if needed. Im just reading yalls comments and other blogs looking for real advice.
Hey king, I was not trying to be a dick, but you got what I was saying though?
I got bashed for asking for hand outs. I earned respect from other members by putting in the time and researching for myself.

Look up the PCT thread, and read into that shit, and post back after you think you have something lined up. This is a great community if you respect others and put in effort. That's all we really ask here. Shit, I still ask dumb questions and get raged on.
Which is code for "I'm trolling all of these sites until someone agrees with the dumb cycle I'm trying to run, and justifies it completely for me" or?
Hey king, I was not trying to be a dick, but you got what I was saying though?
I got bashed for asking for hand outs. I earned respect from other members by putting in the time and researching for myself.

Look up the PCT thread, and read into that shit, and post back after you think you have something lined up. This is a great community if you respect others and put in effort. That's all we really ask here. Shit, I still ask dumb questions and get raged on.

Thanks bro. Will do
Fuck, I misread the title...

ATM is ass to mouth, right? No wonder you're not having libido issues!