short term transition to Test Undecanoate



I m currently pinning 107mg Test C every 3 days, or 250 mg/week.
As I m going to travel for 3 weeks and don t want to take test along, I ve ordered some test U.
Any advice please on how to organize the transition, to retain abt the same test levels while travelling ? Planning to get back to test C upon coming back

Also I m not familiar with test U, any idea how my E2 and prolactin will react compared to pinning e3d ( I have a lot of issues with aromatisation, and will travel with arimidex most probably)

Thanks in advance for all input !
x2, but I'll throw in some other well known tool. They all work to give you an idea, so play around and see which one you like the most. Don't expect it to be 100% accurate though, as people metabolize drugs differently.

And my personal fav is the old version of it, although it says it's innaccurate and I agree, nothing really is except blood work.

Start the test U a couple weeks before you travel (the sooner the better), then just gradually taper your test c dose down like 2 weeks after you start the test U