Small Pebble Under Left Nipple


New Member
Whats up guys? Quick question. Is it normal for some males to have a small pebble under their nipples. I have heard "yes" and "no" regarding this question. I do not have gyno and I am currently on 1ml of Aromasin everyday (Have been for awhile). It does not hurt to touch it. I can just press on it and feel it there. Nipples are not puffy at all either. There is nothing behind my right nipple. Do you think its a bit of glandular tissue or fatty tissue there? Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? Thanks for any replies.
Whats up guys? Quick question. Is it normal for some males to have a small pebble under their nipples. I have heard "yes" and "no" regarding this question. I do not have gyno and I am currently on 1ml of Aromasin everyday (Have been for awhile). It does not hurt to touch it. I can just press on it and feel it there. Nipples are not puffy at all either. There is nothing behind my right nipple. Do you think its a bit of glandular tissue or fatty tissue there? Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? Thanks for any replies.

Yepp.. And I've had that motherfucker grow into an olive.. That's a hefty adex dose, you shouldn't have any more problems staying on that dose but I'd start 20mg nolva ED to try and get it to go away..
Yepp.. And I've had that motherfucker grow into an olive.. That's a hefty adex dose, you shouldn't have any more problems staying on that dose but I'd start 20mg nolva ED to try and get it to go away..

Thanks brother. I got some on the way so Ill probably run 20 a day for a week and see how things go. I don't think its anything serious but I cant take any chances. Can't be on stage with puffy nips. [:o)]
Thanks brother. I got some on the way so Ill probably run 20 a day for a week and see how things go. I don't think its anything serious but I cant take any chances. Can't be on stage with puffy nips. [:o)]

Yes, regardless, this isn't something to play with.. Mine actually doesn't look that bad and you can't tell most of the time but I'm going to go under the knife soon and I'll never have to worry about it again. <<< Try to avoid this!! Good luck man.
Similar thing happened to me, i wasn't that worried and just kind of mentioned it to my doctor, he poked and proded. Upon closer inspection it was an ingrown hair. Good to have those things checked out though.
Yes, regardless, this isn't something to play with.. Mine actually doesn't look that bad and you can't tell most of the time but I'm going to go under the knife soon and I'll never have to worry about it again. <<< Try to avoid this!! Good luck man.

Ill share my experience. been waiting to chime in on something like this. I am on my first aas cycle at 32 y.o . havent noticed any nipple sensitivity.
anyways long story short, i was locked up as a juvenile for almost 4 years. they tryed all these physicatric approaches for me as I was ''too angry '' they put me on a ton of drugs, one including rispadol. I went from 155 pounds to 240 overnight. @5 10, 511 . i was straight fat boy with food cravings like a motherfuka. anyways i lost all the weight once stopping the 10 different anti physcotic meds they had me on. the only thing it permanent did was alter my nips, and some stretch marks. My nips went from toned normal small nips, to larger puffy nips, and there is a definite lump under each nipple. a olive size . If i pinch the nip they harden up and look like they used to. otherwise they stay fluffy. I accept it along time ago. remember ive had this issue since 1995. Anyways after reading on nolva / i often have wondered if I could get the tissue under the nip to go away
I used to be fat. Im 5'10 was 250lbs in 2012. I hooked up with my boy who's a bodybuilder on the national level in 2013. He trained me down and got me shredded at 160lbs. So I figured it might be some grandular tissue/ fatty tissue left under there. It's only in my left nipple not my right. My nipples are not puffy either. I had another competitor on the national level check my nipples the other day lol and he said there was no signs of gyno there but you can never be to cautious in my opinion.
Well they are not pros yet but you know a little paranoia can come with it as well. My boy said he also has a little pebble under both nipples so I dunno. You know how you get to looking at something and keep finding something wrong even when nothing may be there. lol I guess I let things worry me a bit.
Tileguy, from what i've heard, gyno usually goes away after your hormones get back in balance when using aas's. Unforturately, if it's from massive weight gain/general obesity and it hasn't gone away after the weight is lost (>1year) you probably need surgery. But def. ask around and talk to your doctor or Dr. Scally.
Tileguy, from what i've heard, gyno usually goes away after your hormones get back in balance when using aas's. Unforturately, if it's from massive weight gain/general obesity and it hasn't gone away after the weight is lost (>1year) you probably need surgery. But def. ask around and talk to your doctor or Dr. Scally.

like i said be4 the weight gain was 2 decades ago, and ive lived with these two small lumps under the nip for along long time. but now def wonder if nolva could help resolve it. as you state its probably unlikely to ever correct w/o surgery, and as its not very visable im not to interested in a operation unless i become un expectedly wealthy .
like i said be4 the weight gain was 2 decades ago, and ive lived with these two small lumps under the nip for along long time. but now def wonder if nolva could help resolve it. as you state its probably unlikely to ever correct w/o surgery, and as its not very visable im not to interested in a operation unless i become un expectedly wealthy .

Tileguy read my new post about Exemestane + Nolvadex
like i said be4 the weight gain was 2 decades ago, and ive lived with these two small lumps under the nip for along long time. but now def wonder if nolva could help resolve it. as you state its probably unlikely to ever correct w/o surgery, and as its not very visable im not to interested in a operation unless i become un expectedly wealthy .

my uncle in the NE is terrific, his father not so much, but cheaper!!!
like 3g's, if i ask him for a friend. for like twenty minutes of work. From what iv'e learned not compicated, alway the chanc of nipple numbness
Ill share my experience. been waiting to chime in on something like this. I am on my first aas cycle at 32 y.o . havent noticed any nipple sensitivity.
anyways long story short, i was locked up as a juvenile for almost 4 years. they tryed all these physicatric approaches for me as I was ''too angry '' they put me on a ton of drugs, one including rispadol. I went from 155 pounds to 240 overnight. @5 10, 511 . i was straight fat boy with food cravings like a motherfuka. anyways i lost all the weight once stopping the 10 different anti physcotic meds they had me on. the only thing it permanent did was alter my nips, and some stretch marks. My nips went from toned normal small nips, to larger puffy nips, and there is a definite lump under each nipple. a olive size . If i pinch the nip they harden up and look like they used to. otherwise they stay fluffy. I accept it along time ago. remember ive had this issue since 1995. Anyways after reading on nolva / i often have wondered if I could get the tissue under the nip to go away

I'm sure you already know this but a lot of people are winning lawsuits with pretty solid payouts for getting gynocomastia from rispadol. I see adds for it on tv from lawyers everyday. Something to consider anyway.
I'm sure you already know this but a lot of people are winning lawsuits with pretty solid payouts for getting gynocomastia from rispadol. I see adds for it on tv from lawyers everyday. Something to consider anyway.

yeah not sure how to get my records. i was in alot of different facilities as a teen , when this happened. this is like 18 years ago. i did speak with a lawyer from a commercial they need records, and a official diagnosis , of gynomastia or whatever.

payout sounds nice :eek:
Yes, regardless, this isn't something to play with.. Mine actually doesn't look that bad and you can't tell most of the time but I'm going to go under the knife soon and I'll never have to worry about it again. <<< Try to avoid this!! Good luck man.

I think it's time for me too, can still see that slight puffiness and I hate it!!!!!!, but I have seen many people bounce back, as in the gland wasn't fully removed. (I work in surgery btw) a tech. But that would just about be the worst thing ever. Pay for all if that, then have something like that happen.