Solid results from Super Mandro?


New Member
So I'm having a hard time finding a good source so I went the prohormones route this time. I've used prohormones numerous times in the past, but I've never tried Andro. Anyone here ever use it? How were your gains?
Ever had blood work after running a cycle of pro hormones? The risk to reward isn't worth it imo.
No I never did. Just just had work ran and I'm gonna do it again post cycle to compare. Having a hard time finding a source I trust so I figured I would just run one more ph cycle to get me jump started.
No I never did. Just just had work ran and I'm gonna do it again post cycle to compare. Having a hard time finding a source I trust so I figured I would just run one more ph cycle to get me jump started.
Check out anabolic lab and then the underground. I did a ph cycle and it fucked up both hdl and ldl cholesterol and my liver enzyme count went trough the roof. All this for minimal gains.
Check out anabolic lab and then the underground. I did a ph cycle and it fucked up both hdl and ldl cholesterol and my liver enzyme count went trough the roof. All this for minimal gains.
Good looking out brother. I'll do that for sure! I'm gonna run this with a good on cycle and then I'll be done with PHs,as long as I find a good source. Shots just sketchy ordering online. And DS has a damn $400 min. I was gonna use him til I saw that
I know people that have stacked super mando and ando the giant. They claimed the results were alright, but the amount you have to take to see good results is ridiculus expensive.

Super mandro is a ripoff of 1-testosterone. The problem is, it's a 5-alpha and needs to go through a 2 step conversion before it can be 1-testosterone so you need at least 300mg's a day to see any results but preferably 600 to really make it worth being shut down. The problem running it solo is it makes you extremely lethargic so people will stack andro the giant with it which is a ripoff of the old ph 4-andro which was supposed to be basically an oral form of testosterone. This is also now a two step conversion product but by the time it can convert to testosterone and the amount you need to get to a decent level of test most of it has converted instead to estrogen.

So basically in a nutshell, you spend a shit load of money on not only the PHs but also ancillaries to keep you healthy for minimal gains. Best advice is search a little and find a real source. 10x better results for half the price.
I know people that have stacked super mando and ando the giant. They claimed the results were alright, but the amount you have to take to see good results is ridiculus expensive.

Super mandro is a ripoff of 1-testosterone. The problem is, it's a 5-alpha and needs to go through a 2 step conversion before it can be 1-testosterone so you need at least 300mg's a day to see any results but preferably 600 to really make it worth being shut down. The problem running it solo is it makes you extremely lethargic so people will stack andro the giant with it which is a ripoff of the old ph 4-andro which was supposed to be basically an oral form of testosterone. This is also now a two step conversion product but by the time it can convert to testosterone and the amount you need to get to a decent level of test most of it has converted instead to estrogen.

So basically in a nutshell, you spend a shit load of money on not only the PHs but also ancillaries to keep you healthy for minimal gains. Best advice is search a little and find a real source. 10x better results for half the price.
Yea I read that. That's what I'm moving towards. Wanting to run, Deva 300,dbol,and test 250 next. That's the plan at least
There are plenty of reliable sources in the underground to pick up pharma arimidex or aromasin. They aren't cheap but are worth it in my opinion.
Just got out of the service, I used to buy from a buddy of mine from deployment but I've never ordered online. Shit always seemed sketchy
Just got out of the service, I used to buy from a buddy of mine from deployment but I've never ordered online. Shit always seemed sketchy
Spend some time researching anabolic lab and the underground and it won't seem as sketchy. I thought the same thing and I prefer it over paying some dude at my gym 100 a vial for some bogus ass gear. I miss the afghan days when I could get a whole cycle straight from the pharmacy for about 100$!
Spend some time researching anabolic lab and the underground and it won't seem as sketchy. I thought the same thing and I prefer it over paying some dude at my gym 100 a vial for some bogus ass gear. I miss the afghan days when I could get a whole cycle straight from the pharmacy for about 100$!
Shit brother u ain't ever Lyin! I'm leaning towards Pharmacom right now. Everywhere else I'm finding either has bunk gear or old ass reviews. Dudes hide their sources like a virgin on prom night! But I get it, I gotta work for that shit. I respect that. Just frustrating