I never ran them together fwiw but I couldn’t think of a worse combo to take together.
T3 was very catabolic in my experience. I ran it at 50mcg pharma grade. Most people run it at that or 75mcg. T3 makes no distinction between muscle and fat. While you are using it you’ll feel flat as hell and unable to achieve a pump which in and of itself is kind of a mind fuck. Mild temperature increase but nothing severe.
CLEN was pure hell. I can’t recall the dosages I ran tbh but it made life miserable. I cramped up non stop. I mean I got cramps in my ear, back, legs, neck, chode. I mean you name a joint and you are going to cramp up. Made working out impossible which is just a no go.
Albuterol is similar in function regarding the way it effects fat loss but much easier on the sides. The half while being shorter was actually an advantage. Trust me when you cramp on the CLEN your stuck with it for the day. I loved Albuterol Both it and CLEN have similar dangers with respect to heart.
bang for your buck and “less sides” for me would be the ECA stack and if your overseas you may have access to pharma ephedrine. Here in the states it’s All Bronkaid to get the E